Bracket Books publishes photographic non-fiction, books about photography, and fiction inspired by pop culture. Our titles are available as both traditional trade paperbacks and as eBooks which are di
Publisher profile: Bracket Books
List of other Fiction publishers in United States
Picture books, fiction and non-fiction for young readers. Non-fiction, craft and hobby books for adults.
Publisher profile: Berghs Förlag AB
List of other Fiction publishers in Sweden
Books on literary criticism, history, cultural studies, philosophy, essays, fiction, memoirs; periodicals: ,,New Literary Observer NZ: Debates on politics & culture" Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress Body & Culture"" (Russian version).
Publisher profile: New Literary Observer Publishing House
List of other Fiction publishers in Russia
Canadian small press based in Waterloo, Ontario, specializing in science fiction and fantasy, and currently publishing the short-story magazine Challenging Destiny.
Publisher profile: Inc.
Publishers of electronic books in various genres, including fiction and local interest books.
Publisher profile: Mushroom eBooks
New Worlds Fiction provides a place for beginning fantasy and science fiction authors to submit work for critique and publishing. Publishing costs nothing, and we will consider all submissions regardless of whether the author has requested a critique. An author whose work is published will receiv...
Publisher profile: New Worlds Fiction
List of other Fiction publishers in United States
Publishes the best in original fiction and nonfiction, reprints of long-sought-after classics.
Publisher profile: Hill Street Press
Winterbourne Publishing is a boutique Australian e-publisher of speculative fiction (science fiction and fantasy) by new or unknown Australian authors.
Publisher profile: Winterbourne Publishing
List of other Fiction publishers in Australia
Publishers of books in civics, fiction(Cultural)reference books. offices in Ghana, Liberia and sierra Leone
Publisher profile: Adaex Educational Publications ltd
List of other Fiction publishers in Ghana
Mythis Books specializes in paranormal fiction. It is a broad genre and one that the staff at Mythis Books is extremely passionate about. Mythis Books publishes e-books and will publish traditional books in the future. Lifetime partnerships are offered to any writer taken on. Mythis Books is alwa...
Publisher profile: Mythis Books
List of other Fiction publishers in United States