Fiction Publishers' Directory

Listing 131 to 140 of 728 Fiction publishing companies

Page 14 of 73 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of fiction publishers. To view a list of fiction publishing companies by country please select a country.

Spinifex Press

North Melbourne, Australia

Innovative feminist press, publishing fiction and non-fiction including autobiography, Asian, Pacific, African, Indigenous, politics of globalisation, ecology, health, travel, young adult, technology, body, mind and spirit, lesbian and women's studies.

Publisher profile: Spinifex Press
List of other Fiction publishers in Australia

Living Time Books

London, United Kingdom

Launching volumes by new authors as well as fully revised editions of valuable works from the past, Living Time™ Books is a UK Publishing House that has been releasing titles across all genres since 1999. LTB™ publishes works in Paperback, Hardback, Audio and in All Major eBook formats.

Publisher profile: Living Time Books
List of other Fiction publishers in United Kingdom

Uitgeverij De Geus

Breda, Netherlands

Publisher of fiction. Baricco, Barker, Frame, Jelloun, Kemal, Mahfoez, Makine, Proulx, Shields, Toer, Wassmo, Fo, Fredriksson, Cercas, Cismeros, Maalouf, De Beauvoir, Mernissi, Angelou. Walser, Su Tong, Abdolah, Munoz Molina, Axelsson, Shauna Singh Baldwin, Camilleri, Johnston, Van der Jagt, Slov...

Publisher profile: Uitgeverij De Geus
List of other Fiction publishers in Netherlands

Politikens Forlag

Copenhagen, Denmark

Politiken reference, Politiken dictionaries, Politiken travel guides, Politiken non-fiction, Politiken fiction, Politiken children's books.

Publisher profile: Politikens Forlag
List of other Fiction publishers in Denmark

The Overlook Press Peter Mayer Publishers, Inc.

New York, United States

Publisher of literary and commercial fiction and non-fiction including art, architecture, design, martial arts, and biography.

Publisher profile: The Overlook Press Peter Mayer Publishers, Inc.
List of other Fiction publishers in United States

Hardie Grant Books

Richmond, Australia

AN independent book publisher, founded in 1997. Publishes non fiction in subjects of food and wine, craft, interiors and design, sport memoir, popular culture, politics and reference.

Publisher profile: Hardie Grant Books
List of other Fiction publishers in Australia

Davidsfonds Uitgeverij

Leuven, Belgium

General Publishing House: religion, science, art, history, literature, human interest and actual issues. High quality children's books: picture books, children's fiction, young adult fiction, non-fiction. literature, poetry.

Publisher profile: Davidsfonds Uitgeverij
List of other Fiction publishers in Belgium

The Dundurn Group

Toronto, Canada

The Dundurn Group is an established mid-size Canadian publisher comprised of four imprints: Dundurn Press (history, politics and biography), Hounslow Press (popular non-fiction), Simon & Pierre (literary fiction) and Boardwalk Books (YA).

Publisher profile: The Dundurn Group
List of other Fiction publishers in Canada

Myriad Editions

Brighton, United Kingdom

Publisher of political and literary fiction, non-fiction and comic books, including bestselling ,,365 Ways to Change the World'' and award-winning ,,State of the World'' thematic atlases

Publisher profile: Myriad Editions
List of other Fiction publishers in United Kingdom

Nanmeebooks Co., Ltd.

Bangkok, Thailand

Nanmeebooks have published books for both children and adults in 3 main categories; fiction, non-fiction and professional trainings to teachers, librarians and parents.

Publisher profile: Nanmeebooks Co., Ltd.
List of other Fiction publishers in Thailand

728 publishers in the the directory of fiction publishing companies

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