Fiction & non-fiction. Focus on psychology/self-help, personal development, parenting, child care, relationships, cook books, liefstyle. Special imprints of literary fiction, essays, memoirs, history, political & social studies.
Publisher profile: Curtea Veche Publishing
List of other Fiction publishers in Romania
We publish fiction, non-fiction, educational and children's books. Send synopsis and sample chapters in the first instance. For more information go to our web site
Publisher profile: Pegaus Elliot Mackenzie Publishers Ltd
List of other Fiction publishers in United Kingdom
Mladá Fronta has been active on the Czech book market since 1945. It counts among ten major publishers in the Czech Republic with more than 150 new titles/year and specialises in international fiction and non-fiction titles for children and adults.
Publisher profile: Mladá Fronta, Inc.
List of other Fiction publishers in Czech Republic
General fiction. Children & young adult's books. Fantasy & Science fiction. Non-fiction: social sciences, history, philosophy, general science, reference books. Arts. Art techniques. Business. Computer. Self-help. Esoterics. Foreign languages.
Publisher profile: Editorial Presença
List of other Fiction publishers in Portugal
Contemporary fiction, classics, essays, philosophy, poetry, art, music.
Publisher profile: Acantilado Quaderns Crema, S.A.
List of other Fiction publishers in Spain
Book-club. Operates 13 book clubs. High quality. Also production of books of varying contents, facts and fiction for adults, children, juveniles.
Publisher profile: De norske Bokklubbene AS
List of other Fiction publishers in Norway
the best ebooks at the best price: free!Browse through the most popular titles, recommendations, or recent reviews from our visitors. Perhaps you'll find something interesting in the special coll
Publisher profile:
A small publisher based in the north east of England but with authors from around the world. We publish fantasy and science fiction. Much of it is Young Adult, but is enjoyed by people of all ages.
Publisher profile: Aelurus Publishing
As part of our growth strategy for 2020, we are looking for writers of historical romance, historical fiction, contemporary romance, quirky romance, romantic suspense and romantic fiction of all types. It goes without saying the storylines must be commercial. See our submissions page for more detail
Publisher profile: Antonia Tingle
List of other Fiction publishers in United Kingdom
Basée à Wavre en Belgique, l'asbl Mabiki existe depuis le 21 septembre 2005. l'intégration citoyenne de personnes d'origine africaine en Belgique, la promotion des littératures africaines, l'amélioration du contenu de l'enseignement en
Publisher profile: Mabiki
List of other Fiction publishers in Belgium