Essays Publishers' Directory

Listing 111 to 120 of 135 Essays publishing companies

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Ibadan, Nigeria

Parousia Collective is established to serve as a solution to the challenges faced by Christian authors by meeting the needs of publishing and distribution of books. Parousia Publishing handles Digital and Print Publication with a Bookstore publishing Fiction, Non Fiction and General Genres.

Publisher profile: PAROUSIA PUBLISHING
List of other Essays publishers in Nigeria

Editions Que

Bruxelles, Belgium

<>means <>. Only this but all of this. <>also means That. Founded by writer Bruno Wajskop in Marseille in 1999, QUE publishes essays in the areas of psychoanalysis, literature and politics, as well as lampoons.

Publisher profile: Editions Que
List of other Essays publishers in Belgium

Magveto Publishing

Budapest, Hungary

Magveto is the leading publisher of contemporary Hungarian fiction and poetry and also has a selection of the finest from world literature. Our house was founded in 1955 and now publishes 40-50 new titles each year.

Publisher profile: Magveto Publishing
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Bharatiya kala prakshan

delhi, India

Bharatiya Kala Prakashan is an Indian Largest Publisher in the field of Art,Architecture,Archaeology,History, Painting,Buddhism,jainism,Indology,Sanskrit,Philosophy, Religion,Ayurvedic,Tourism,Hindi,Homeopathy,Coins,music, Astrology,yoga,etc. We are pioneers not only publishing this books for stu...

Publisher profile: Bharatiya kala prakshan
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Les Presses de Nouvelle-France

Sainte-Brigitte de Laval, Canada

favoriser l’édition d’un maximum d’œuvres de qualité, mettre toutes ses compétences et autres ressources disponibles au service de l’auteur pour conclure une entente visant une publication à responsabilité partagée.

Publisher profile: Les Presses de Nouvelle-France
List of other Essays publishers in Canada

Vox Humana Books

Kfar Saba, Israel

Vox Humana Books is an independent, small literary publisher founded in 2009 at Kfar Sava, Israel. The press also maintains a strong focus on the publication of works by new and established Israeli, Palestinian and other Middle-Eastern writers and artists.

Publisher profile: Vox Humana Books
List of other Essays publishers in Israel

Editorial Mediterrania S.L.

Barcelona, Spain

Editorial Mediterrània has a 25 year long experience in publishing books in Catalan. The main areas of publication are children books, comprising picture books and pedagogic titles; books on art (monographics and catalogues) and essays (religion, sociology and politics).

Publisher profile: Editorial Mediterrania S.L.
List of other Essays publishers in Spain

Babcock University Press

Ilishan-Remo, Nigeria

Babcock University Press is the official publishing house of Babcock University, a faith-based tertiary institution in Nigeria, operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is an integrated press system for publishing, print production and client services. The press contributes to the growth ...

Publisher profile: Babcock University Press
List of other Essays publishers in Nigeria

EGA Editore

Torino, Italy

Essays on social issues, peace, environment, human rights, south-north conflict, drugs addiction, aids. Children's books on peace education. Illustrated and photography books.

Publisher profile: EGA Editore
List of other Essays publishers in Italy

Les éditions XYZ

Montréal, Canada

Founded in 1985 les éditions XYZ is awel known publishing company in litterature. It publish 25 new titles a year

Publisher profile: Les éditions XYZ
List of other Essays publishers in Canada

135 publishers in the the directory of essays publishing companies

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