Education Publishers' Directory

Listing 11 to 20 of 655 Education publishing companies

Page 2 of 66 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of education publishers. To view a list of education publishing companies by country please select a country.

Pearson Education USA

Upper Saddle River, United States

Pearson Education is the worlds leading integrated education business. Its leading brands include Prentice Hall, Addison Wesley, Longman, Allyn & Bacon, Benjamin Cummings, Scott Foresman, Pearson Learning, NCS Learn, and NCS Pearson.

Publisher profile: Pearson Education USA
List of other Education publishers in United States

Pearson Education Ltd

Harlow, United Kingdom

Worldwide educational publisher, imprints include: Addison-Wesley, Longman, Scott Foresman, Prentice Hall, Allyn and Bacon, Financial Times Prentice Hall, Peachpit Press, Benjamin Cummings, Reuters, FT.Com., and Momentum.

Publisher profile: Pearson Education Ltd
List of other Education publishers in United Kingdom

IGI Global

Hershey, United States

IGI publishes academic & research books, encyclopedias, journals and databases on information science, technology, management, medicine and engineering under imprints Idea Group Publishing, Information Science Reference,Medical Information Science, Business Science Reference and Engineering Scien...

Publisher profile: IGI Global
List of other Education publishers in United States

Corwin Press

Thousand Oaks, United States

Corwin Press is a publisher of resources for preK-12 education professionals, specializing in staff development, teaching, administration, exceptional students, curriculum development, diversity, teaching resources, technology, and learning styles.

Publisher profile: Corwin Press
List of other Education publishers in United States

The Critical Thinking Company

Seaside, United States

The Critical Thinking Company publishes award-winning PreK-12 supplementary and core materials in the areas of thinking skills, math, science, history, and language arts.

Publisher profile: The Critical Thinking Company
List of other Education publishers in United States

Wilson Language Training Corp.

Publishers of decoding and spelling program geared to students of all ages and training materials for teachers dealing with students with dyslexia.

Publisher profile: Wilson Language Training Corp.

Liberty Fund Inc

Indianapolis, United States

Liberty Fund is a private educational foundation established in 1960 to encourage study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals. The publisher specialises in publishing print/electronic scholarly resources in many subject areas.

Publisher profile: Liberty Fund Inc
List of other Education publishers in United States

SAGE Publications India


Founded in 1981, SAGE Publications India Pvt Ltd is a leading independent, academic and professional publisher of innovative, high-quality content.

Publisher profile: SAGE Publications India
List of other Education publishers in India

BookLife Publishing Ltd

We're an independent children's publisher based in King's Lynn, Norfolk. We love to publish children's fiction an non-fiction from Why Do I Poo to Pigs Might Fly and many other books that combine education and entertainment. We always strive to produce the highest quality children's books possible.

Publisher profile: BookLife Publishing Ltd

Magic EdTech

Magic is a leading education technology company building next-gen digital learning solutions for K-12, higher ed. We are a leading digital learning company for content, technology and platforms.

Publisher profile: Magic EdTech

655 publishers in the the directory of education publishing companies

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