R.I.C. Publications’ core focus is creating high-quality educational resources for teachers.
Publisher profile: R.I.C. Publications
List of other Design publishers in Australia
Deavita.com ist eine Online-Plattform mit vielfältigen Inhalten zu Lifestyle, Mode, Gesundheit, Schönheit, Design und Wohnkultur. Sie ist bekannt für hochwertige Bilder und aktuelle Informationen und fesselt die Leser mit interaktiven Inhalten und Expertenratschlägen. Das benutzerfreundliche Design
Publisher profile: Augmar LTD
List of other Design publishers in Germany
Club Management is the leading independent publication for Australia’s massive licensed clubs sector.Targeting executives and managers within the clubs industry, Club Management features the latest news, profiles of leaders in the industry, insight on upcoming trends, and new product launches.
Publisher profile: Club Management
Blueprint Magazine is the leading magazine of architecture and design. It provides the latest news, articles & events info on design and architecture.
Publisher profile: Blueprint Magazine
List of other Design publishers in United Kingdom
Established in 2005, we set out to create law books which are sufficiently high level to be of real use to the experienced professional, yet still accessible and easy to navigate. We are a division of Globe Business Publishing Ltd, based by Borough market in London and we focus in particular on f...
Publisher profile: Globe Law and Business
List of other Design publishers in United Kingdom
Proofreading and editing services for college essays and other documents including free grammar help, design and desktop publishing services.
Publisher profile: HyperGraphix Publishing Services
Quintet is an international co-edition publisher of illustrated books in a range of popular categories, from lifestyle and home arts to design, reference and popular culture. Our hallmarks are high production values, strong design and art.
Publisher profile: Quintet Publishing
List of other Design publishers in United Kingdom
We design and manufacture high-quality custom-produced dolls and plush toys which relate to children's books, for publishers' use promotionally or for trade distribution.
Publisher profile: Merrymakers, Inc.
List of other Design publishers in United States
Quality educational contemporary and graphic design for children. A new concept in activity books. The very latest tendencies in ,,Vintage children's books.
Publisher profile: Coco Books S.L.
List of other Design publishers in Spain
Specializing primarily in photographic baby/toddler and pre-school books, Priddy Books has sold 25 million books to 30 countries proving that good editorial ideas and simple design will appeal to both parents and children.
Publisher profile: Priddy Books
List of other Design publishers in United Kingdom