Producers of English versions of Japanese anime, CPM also publishes manga, under the imprint CPM Manga. Information on titles and on how to order.
Publisher profile: Central Park Media
Home of Mike Manley's Monsterman, Action Planet, and the weekly on-line comic G.I.R.L. Patrol.
Publisher profile: Action Planet Comics
Internet encyclopedia of the DC Universe, past, present and future. Who's Who profiles, comic indexes, character chronologies
Publisher profile: Unofficial Guide to the DC Universe
Malamih is a secular, independent Egyptian publishing house that aims to diversify the Egyptian/Arab literary field with works new in style and content, We have published 90 books covering a wide range of genres, in Arabic, English, French and are now calling for submissions in Spanish. Malamih i...
Publisher profile: Malamih For Publishing& Distributing Books
List of other Comics publishers in Egypt
Home of humor comic books - "Chipmunks and Squirrels," "Those Unstoppable Rogues," and the "El Gato, Crime Mangler" books, featuring a banana-phobic mama's boy masked wrestler who fights monsters and mobsters.
Publisher profile: Original Syndicate Press
Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte sind die Entwicklung, Produktion und Vermarktung von "Mobile Content". Hauptprodukt sind die von uns entwickelten MOBILEBOOKS: Literarische Anwendungen für mobile Endgeräte (Mobiltelefone, Smartphones...).
Publisher profile: Blackbetty Mobilmedia GmbH
List of other Comics publishers in Austria
Publishers of Shadow House, a horror comic anthology. With publication news, ordering information and exclusive online horror fiction.
Publisher profile: Shadowhouse Press
Publisher profile: Little Pearls Publishing India
List of other Comics publishers in India
Sister company of Fluxus records and publishers of Nemesister and Astrothrill. News, background and ordering information.
Publisher profile: Cheeky Press
We at One Million Points Publishing publish books. It is NOT a dying medium!
Publisher profile: One Million Points Publishing
List of other Comics publishers in Canada