The love that makes life whole: enjoy Classic romantic novels at the FreeLook Classics Club.
Publisher profile: FreeLook Bookstore
Queensbridge Publishing strives to set itself apart from the competition by being a multifaceted media house to reach the masses with a name that will stand out on the shelf. Founded in 2009 as a Queensbridge Media affiliate company, Queensbridge Publishing has grown to incorporate distribution t...
Publisher profile: Queensbridge Publishing
OpusExpo Inc. is an emerging e-Publishing firm headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Apart from being one of the only Canadian eBook stores, it is also one of the only eBook stores which specialize in offering eBooks formatted for eBook Readers –Sony Readers in particular.
Publisher profile: OpusExpo Inc.
List of other Classics publishers in Canada
¡Publica Tu eBook o Publica tu Libro! Te ofrecemos todos los servicios editoriales y te entregamos una copia de tu libro en tan sólo seis semanas.¡Si ya plantaste un árbol... Publica Tu Libro!
Publisher profile: Publica Tu Libro
List of other Classics publishers in Puerto Rico
GUP ist spezialisiert auf hochwertige wissenschaftliche Arbeiten in den Bereichen Geistes-und Sozialwissenschaften und Medizin. GUP bietet auch Print-on-Demand-, CD-ROM-und Internet-Publikationen an.
Publisher profile: German University Press (GUP) Baden-Baden
List of other Classics publishers in Germany
Atlantis publishes high quality picture books and educational guides for parents and professionals. Children's books by young illustrators experimenting with fresh style are an important focus, as well as classics such as Die" Wichtelmänner."
Publisher profile: Atlantis Verlag
List of other Classics publishers in Switzerland
Publishers since 1899. Novels, poetry, theatre, philosophy and history. A wide range of Portuguese authors such as Agustina Bessa-Luis, Ferreira de Castro, Agostinho da Silva, Oliveira Martins, Fernado Pessoa,Nietzsche,Russell, Kafka .
Publisher profile: Guimarães Editores, SA.
List of other Classics publishers in Portugal
Worth Press Ltd leads with Faiths & Religions of the World. We are happy to discuss rights for most of our titles and to consider the purchase of rights of titles suitable to our list and market.
Publisher profile: Worth Press Ltd.
List of other Classics publishers in United Kingdom
Editions Dedicaces Inc. has existed since 2009 and is based in Montreal. We publish books written by authors from several countries.
Publisher profile: Editions Dedicaces LLC
List of other Classics publishers in Canada
Rumour Books India (RBI) is one of India's youngest and leading independent publishing houses, and is the only independent English-language publisher from North India to have a national presence.
Publisher profile: Rumour Books India
List of other Classics publishers in India