Christian Publishers' Directory

Listing 261 to 268 of 268 Christian publishing companies

Page 27 of 27 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of christian publishers. To view a list of christian publishing companies by country please select a country.

Niim Computers & Graphics (T)

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

A leading Christian publisher in Tanzania, already with more than 100 book titles on market.

Publisher profile: Niim Computers & Graphics (T)
List of other Christian publishers in Tanzania

Northern Press Group

Independent publisher of religious offerings from various authors.

Publisher profile: Northern Press Group

St. Ignatius of Antioch Press

Dedicated to spreading the Good News of Orthodox Christianity. Selection of books, cassettes, CDs, and icons from this small press in Lima, Ohio.

Publisher profile: St. Ignatius of Antioch Press

Harvey Christian Publishers Inc.

Compilations and reprints published by Edwin and Lillian Harvey for over forty years with special emphasis is on holy living and the Crucified life.

Publisher profile: Harvey Christian Publishers Inc.

Challenge Press

Publisher of distinctively Baptist material. Topics include history, doctrine, the church.

Publisher profile: Challenge Press

Claudiana Editrice

Torino, Italy

Waldensian Publishing House. Books for scholars, students and general readers on differnet aspects of the Christian faith. Bible, theology, spirituality, church history and Waldensian history.

Publisher profile: Claudiana Editrice
List of other Christian publishers in Italy

Taosheng Publishing House

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Christian Books

Publisher profile: Taosheng Publishing House
List of other Christian publishers in Hong Kong

Methodist Bookroom

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Christian books & gifts

Publisher profile: Methodist Bookroom
List of other Christian publishers in Hong Kong

268 publishers in the the directory of christian publishing companies

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