Children's Publishers' Directory

Listing 901 to 910 of 970 Children's publishing companies

Page 91 of 97 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of children's publishers. To view a list of children's publishing companies by country please select a country.

Bookmart Editions

Leicester, United Kingdom

Publishers of colour illustrated titles. Rights available. Subject areas include: children's high quality, good value fiction and non-fiction, art, gardening, cookery, sport, and new age. Also, a range of high quality, laminated children's educational wallcharts.

Publisher profile: Bookmart Editions
List of other Children's publishers in United Kingdom

Bookmart Limited

Leicester, United Kingdom

Bookmart Ltd. sell a range of high quality illustrated reprints, one of the largest in the UK. Also available children's educational wallcharts and gift stationery. See also Bookmart Editions: publishes own range of quality illustrated titles child/adult. Rights available.

Publisher profile: Bookmart Limited
List of other Children's publishers in United Kingdom

Brimax Publishing

Rowville, Australia

One of the oldest and most well established publishers of books for young children, Brimax has a strong international focus and specialises in innovative, creative and affordable novelty and early learning titles for babies, toddlers and children under eight years.

Publisher profile: Brimax Publishing
List of other Children's publishers in Australia


Fribourg, Switzerland

Calligram: "The school of life" a publisher with fiction and non-fiction, series for children from 3 to 12 years old. 350 titles in catalogue.

Publisher profile: Calligram-PCG
List of other Children's publishers in Switzerland

Claudia Böhme Rights & Literary Agency Publishing Consultant

Hannover, Germany

The Agency represent German, American and Danish publishers and authors for publication and film rights. The represented titles include fiction and non-fiction, e.g. books on craft and self-help, as well as fiction for children and teenagers.

Publisher profile: Claudia Böhme Rights & Literary Agency Publishing Consultant
List of other Children's publishers in Germany

Copenhagen Publishing House

Copenhagen, Denmark

Publisher of co-edition titles ranging from board books, sticker books to hard cover, illustrated books. Primary childrens Bibles and Bible storybook and Bible related materials.

Publisher profile: Copenhagen Publishing House
List of other Children's publishers in Denmark

Dar Al Fiker Al Arabi

Beirut, Lebanon

Deals in the book production with different topics, out of which the series of the leaders of Arab old and new poetry books, scientific and cultural subjects in addition to Islamic civilization books, specialized Arab language and children books.

Publisher profile: Dar Al Fiker Al Arabi
List of other Children's publishers in Lebanon

Dar Al Hadaek

Beirut, Lebanon

Dar al Hadaek is specialized in publishing and distributing magazines and books in the Arab Countries. Ahmad magazines is specialized for children starting 8 years old, while Touta Touta is a magazine published for children of 5-8 years old. Published more than 300 books for children of all ages....

Publisher profile: Dar Al Hadaek
List of other Children's publishers in Lebanon


Tübingen, Germany

Psychotherapy, behaviour therapy, therapy for children and adolescents, counselling, health care, resources, treatment manuals. Zeitschriften: Verhaltenstherapie & psychosoziale Praxis (VPP), Verhaltenstherapie mit Kindern & Jugendlichen (VTKiJu).

Publisher profile: dgvt-Verlag
List of other Children's publishers in Germany

Dolphin Books

Beijing, China

Founded in January 1986. Specializes mainly in the publishing books for children in English, French, German, Japan, Arabian, and Chinese. Focus on children's education and family education.

Publisher profile: Dolphin Books
List of other Children's publishers in China

970 publishers in the the directory of children's publishing companies

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