A Valencian company dedicated to publishing books and teaching materials to promote reading and values. In our catalog we integrate many different genres for all ages, but especially aimed at children and young readers, always committed to quality literature and publishing. In addition, the in...
Publisher profile: Andana Editorial
List of other Children's publishers in Spain
EduPedia Publications s is an enterprise run by a team of dedicated publishers, editors and writers. We provide young and budding writers and poets a platform for scaling the ladder of success in the field of literature.
Publisher profile: Edupedia Publications Pvt Ltd
List of other Children's publishers in India
Publishing in Turkish, English and German
Publisher profile: Elvan Yayinlari
List of other Children's publishers in Turkey
Mass market publishers of children's books. Our range includes fairy tales, sticker books, activity books, board books etc.
Publisher profile: Grafalco Ediciones S.L.
List of other Children's publishers in Spain
Modern Times has a successful publishing presence since 1997 with a special interest in childrens and adult fiction and non-fiction, international and Greek contemporary literature, historical novels, educational, art and medical reference books, innovative albums, high quality illustrated cookbo...
Publisher profile: Modern Times S.A.
List of other Children's publishers in Greece
Far Eastern literature, children's books.
Publisher profile: Editions Philippe Picquier
List of other Children's publishers in France
To enrich the experience, so that while reading together adults and children will be able to talk and to get to know each other better, promoting questions and conversations that will be part of a shared moment love.
Publisher profile: nicanitas-Hardenville SA
List of other Children's publishers in Uruguay
Second Story Press publishes award-winning fiction and non-fiction specializing in woman-focused books as well as children's titles which have been translated into more than twenty-five languages. Our list reflects concerns about social justice.
Publisher profile: Second Story Press
List of other Children's publishers in Canada
Academic books in social sciences, trade paperbacks for mass market & children's books. Looking for distributors.
Publisher profile: New Dawn Press, Inc.
List of other Children's publishers in United States
Editorial Mediterrània has a 25 year long experience in publishing books in Catalan. The main areas of publication are children books, comprising picture books and pedagogic titles; books on art (monographics and catalogues) and essays (religion, sociology and politics).
Publisher profile: Editorial Mediterrania S.L.
List of other Children's publishers in Spain