An independent publishing group with an international reputation for interesting, innovative and influential trade/professional books focusing on business and finance, intelligent self-help, popular psychology and the increasingly active fields of crossing cultures and travel writing.
Publisher profile: Nicholas Brealey Publishing
List of other Business publishers in United Kingdom
Publisher of books and creator of displays focusing on ancient Greek technology. Includes profile, biographies, exhibits, and contacts.
Publisher profile: AEOLOS Publications
Sourcing staff for a variety of positions within the media sector. Features candidate registration and details of current vacancies.
Publisher profile: Arena Recruitment
Providing publishing services for membership based organisations, associations and charities, including editorial, design, media sales, print and fulfilment, readership surveys and electronic media.
Publisher profile: Associa Publishing
Small group of independent Bristol publishers, specialising in non-fiction books in many subject areas (academic, art, local interest, pet health). Online bookshop, group aims and activities, contact details.
Publisher profile: Bristol Books and Publishers
Publishers of poultry, smallholding and organic farming and gardening books.
Publisher profile: Broad Leys Publishing Ltd
List of other Business publishers in United Kingdom
Publisher of magazines, newsletters, journals, directories and event programmes for private companies and the public sector. Includes examples of their work.
Publisher profile: Brodie Publishing
Publisher of decorative painting books. Skill level ranges from beginning to advanced.
Publisher profile: EASL Publications