Business to business publishing company focused on the acquisition, launch and operation of high technology publications, whether in traditional or new mediums.
Publisher profile: GRID Media
Professionals in the production of text-oriented books and documents. List of services and contact details.
Publisher profile: Curran Publishing Services Ltd,
Publishes college text, reference, and general audience books about exercise physiology, sports medicine, coaching education, fitness, health and nutrition. Includes synopses and an order form.
Publisher profile: Cooper Publishing Group
Bean Media publish the well-respected 'Australia's Best' business magazines, which are probably the leading series of B2B Magazines in the country. Bean Media Group are well known for their high quality printed magazines, all falling under the 'Australia's Best' banner, which cover the manufactur...
Publisher profile: Bean Media
List of other Business publishers in Australia
Publishers of educational resources, worksheets and books for secondary schools. Approved distance learning courses. Catalogue and ordering information.
Publisher profile: Cable Educational
Publishers of e-zines, books, magazines, and other multimedia resources aimed at the Jewish community. Describes the organization, its mission, and its publications.
Publisher profile: Jewish Family & Life
Online magazine covering the various developments in Indian economy.
Publisher profile: India Unleashed
Publishing a variety of genres through four subsidiaries. Includes company and service overview, packages and pricing, and a manuscript submission form.
Publisher profile: Book Marketing Solutions
Publisher of educational books, non-fiction, law books, business books, up-to-date computer literature.
Publisher profile: Edita Publishing Ltd.
List of other Business publishers in Finland
"Great Authors, Great Books"
Publisher profile: Harper Davis Publishers
List of other Business publishers in United States