Adventure Publishers' Directory

Listing 11 to 20 of 108 Adventure publishing companies

Page 2 of 11 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of adventure publishers. To view a list of adventure publishing companies by country please select a country.

Astorina SRL

Milano, Italy

Astorina srl. was founded by Angela and Luciana Giussani in 1962, and since then publishes, with a great success, the adventures of their character Diabolik. Diabolik it's for sale in newspaper stand with three monthly issues.

Publisher profile: Astorina SRL
List of other Adventure publishers in Italy

Humble Trail

Melbourne, Australia

Humble Trail is an Australian lifestyle and outdoor publication. Founded in 2016, Humble Trail started off as a community-driven platform with the goal of unearthing the hidden gems and beautiful outdoors of Australia.

Publisher profile: Humble Trail
List of other Adventure publishers in Australia

Destek Publishing


One of the largest Publisher in Turkey with many books ranging from novels to cartoons, Destek Publishing distinguishes itself with its swift digitalisation and best selling books. Destek Publishes more than 10 books a month.

Publisher profile: Destek Publishing
List of other Adventure publishers in Turkey

Dar Al Manhal Publishers

Dar Al Manhal Publishers is one of the largest Arab publishing houses which are specialized in the field of children's literature. It was established in 1990 and since that it is a pioneer Arabic publishing house in publishing children's books and various educational programs.

Publisher profile: Dar Al Manhal Publishers

Morning Rain Publishing

Burlington, Canada

Small Canadian publisher, specializing in publishing short stories, novellas, and novels as eBooks.

Publisher profile: Morning Rain Publishing
List of other Adventure publishers in Canada

Imagin8 Press

Verona, United States

Imagin8 Press is a book publishing company dedicated to promoting a peaceful world by bridging the divide between different cultures. Our sole focus is on publishing high quality, enjoyable fiction books for English speaking people who want to read and understand Simplified Chinese.

Publisher profile: Imagin8 Press
List of other Adventure publishers in United States

Perera Hussein Publishing House

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka's finest English language publisher of cutting edge fiction, non-academic non-fiction and culturally relavant Children's stories.

Publisher profile: Perera Hussein Publishing House
List of other Adventure publishers in Sri Lanka

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The Lost Executive Ltd

The Lost Executive publishes two digital magazines. The Logbook for digital nomads in hospitality and travel and TLE Business Magazine that covers business profiles and success stories. Reaching 150,000 readers worldwide. Run by digital nomads the company is entirely remote.

Publisher profile: The Lost Executive Ltd

Aelurus Publishing

A small publisher based in the north east of England but with authors from around the world. We publish fantasy and science fiction. Much of it is Young Adult, but is enjoyed by people of all ages.

Publisher profile: Aelurus Publishing

108 publishers in the the directory of adventure publishing companies

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