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Publisher profile: Crete University Press
Professional, trade and academic books in business, management, finance, careers, training, transport and logistics. Around 130 titles and new editions each year, from practical self-help to reference and academic monographs.
Publisher profile: Kogan Page Ltd
List of other Academic publishers in United Kingdom
Publisher profile: Johns Hopkins University Press
Schwerpunkte sind Bücher zu Ökumene, Spiritualität, innerkirchlichen Fragen, Lebenshilfe, Pastoral und Liturgie sowie der Pauluskalender. Academic Press Fribourg führt die wissenchaftlichen Reihen aus den Bereichen Theologie, Philosophie und Regionalliteratur.
Publisher profile: Academic Press Fribourg
List of other Academic publishers in Switzerland
Publisher of books, journals and multimedia in health, science and education. Including the imprints Academic Press, Morgan Kaufmann, Dryden Press, Saunders College and Syngress.
Publisher profile: Harcourt International
Publishers of academic books in the life science. Publications include text-books, edited volumes, and proceedings. We welcome authors even if the manuscript is very specialized.
Publisher profile: Science Publishers
List of other Academic publishers in United States
Shanghai Jiao Tong University is among the top 10 in Mainland China. Founded in June 1983, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press publishes 400 new books a year.
Publisher profile: Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press
List of other Academic publishers in China
Edes is a great publishing house on Sardinia, established in Cagliari in the Seventies as a point of reference for a group of intellectuals and university teachers. Since the end of Eithties the publishing house moved to Sassari.
Publisher profile: Editrice Democratica Sarda (EDES)
List of other Academic publishers in Italy
Stylus is an independent publisher, specializing in higher education. We also offer effective U.S. distribution services to trade, academic and professional publishers.
Publisher profile: Stylus Publishing LLC
List of other Academic publishers in United States
Humanities, Cultural Sciences
Publisher profile: Berlin University Press
List of other Academic publishers in Germany