Publishing Services Companies of Spain

Listing 31 to 40 of 132 Spanish Publishing Service Companies

Page 4 of 14 of all the publishing services companies listed in the Spanish directory of services

Asociación Galega de Editoras

Santiago De Compostela, Spain

Our aim is the protection, promotion and dissemination of the Galician books

Profile of: Asociación Galega de Editoras, Santiago De Compostela, Spain

SalmaiaLit Literary Agency

Barcelona, Spain

SalmaiaLit represents world rights of authors writing in Spanish, Catalan, and Portuguese and also foreign publishers and agencies.

Profile of: SalmaiaLit Literary Agency, Barcelona, Spain

Associacio Professional d'Illustradors de Catalunya

Barcelona, Spain

The Association includes authors from every branch of the applied visual creation. It promotes and defends the rights of illustrators, it enables relationships among its members and it nurtures the growth and projection of the profession.

Profile of: Associacio Professional d'Illustradors de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Ediciones Morata, S.L.

Madrid, Spain

Founded in 1920, Ediciones Morata is specialized in the following areas: Education, psychology, sociology and social sciences. His publishing line is designed for professionals in the aforementioned fields, as well as for univ. students.

Profile of: Ediciones Morata, S.L., Madrid, Spain

A.C.E.R. Agencia Literaria

Madrid, Spain

Representing publishing houses for Spanish and Portuguese languages. Representation of Spanish language authors worldwide. [email protected].

Profile of: A.C.E.R. Agencia Literaria, Madrid, Spain

Asociación Galega de Editores

Santiago de Compostela, Spain

A collective exhibition with the support of Xunta de Galicia"."

Profile of: Asociación Galega de Editores, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Spain Spanien

Madrid, Spain

A collective exhibition with the support of ,,Ministerio de Cultura", Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos" (CEDRO) and ICEX."

Profile of: Spain Spanien, Madrid, Spain

Thomson Aranzadi

Cizur Menor, Spain

Thomson-Aranzadi es la compañia lider en España de servicios de información y soluciones integradas para los profesionales del mundo juridico.

Profile of: Thomson Aranzadi, Cizur Menor, Spain

Nativos Language Consultants

Barcelona, Spain

At Nativos we’ve been providing high-quality translation services to businesses and professionals since 2000.

Profile of: Nativos Language Consultants, Barcelona, Spain

Ediciones de la Torre

Madrid, Spain

Ediciones de la Torre was born in 1975, from a cultural and social platform project. The publishing house began its activities in May 1976. We expect to reach 750 titles by 2025, the year in which we will have our 50-year anniversary. With the decisive help of our readers, we will continue to accumu

Profile of: Ediciones de la Torre, Madrid, Spain

132 publishing companies in the directory of Spanish suppliers

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