Creators and publishers of illustrated children's books, sticker books, colouring and activity books.
Publisher profile: Ediciones Saldaña, S.A.
Editorial CCS (Central Catequética Salesiana) es propiedad de los Salesianos de España. Fue fundada en 1944. Nuestra editorial se ocupa de los temas relacionados con nuestros dos catálogos: la Educación, Intervención Social y la Catequesis Pastoral.
Publisher profile: Editorial CCS
Publisher of a wide variety of Spanish fiction and non-fiction books, with pioneering titles in self-help, astrology, and other esoteric themes. Also children's books, cook books and novelties. Offices in Madrid and throughout South America.
Publisher profile: Editorial EDAF, S.L.
Venta de derechos al extranjero para todos los fondos del Grupo Editorial Planeta.
Publisher profile: Editorial Planeta División Librerias Foreign Rights Sales
Kontakte/contacts: Halle 6.2 LitAg or 069/234717, 234748-Represents foreign pubishers and agents in Spanish and Portuguese territories. Represents Spanish language authors throughout the world.
Publisher profile: International Editors S.A.
Spanish and Portuguese authors.
Publisher profile: KASET Agencia Literaria
Vox and Larousse dictionaries, encyclopaedias, atlas.
Publisher profile: Larousse Editorial, S.L.
Lletres is an initiative of the Grup del Llibre, the book club for the Països Catalans (Catalan speaking countries). It is a literary magazine, with literary critiques and opinions and a catalogue, with the latest publications in Catalan.
Publisher profile: Lletres del Grup del Llibre El club de lectors dels Països Catalans
Publishers of high quality, illustrated, large-format books for adults. Subject areas include: art, architecture, photography, travel books, maritime, nature and cooking.
Publisher profile: Lunwerg S.L.
Co-edition publisher of highly illustrated non-fiction and fiction books for international markets. Our list includes five different lines: Architecture; painting and drawing; arts & crafts; children's & juvenile; reference.
Publisher profile: Parramón Ediciones, S.A.