Spanish Language Publishers of Spain

Listing 181 to 190 of 200 Spanish publishers listed in the Spanish publishers directories

Page 19 of 20 of all the publishing companies in the directory of publishers of Spain that are listed under 'Spanish Publishers. Remove 'Spain' filter to see all spanish language publishers. Remove 'Spanish' filter to see the list of all Spanish publishers

Salsa Books

Barcelona, Spain

Cooking books.

Publisher profile: Salsa Books

Grafalco Ediciones S.L.

Fuente el Saz, Spain

Mass market publishers of children's books. Our range includes fairy tales, sticker books, activity books, board books etc.

Publisher profile: Grafalco Ediciones S.L.

Perspectiva Editorial Cultural

Barcelona, Spain

Edició de libres de regal per a empreses i institucions. Albums illustrats. Jocs didactics. Literatura infantil i juvenil.

Publisher profile: Perspectiva Editorial Cultural


Barcelona, Spain

We are a Spanish publisher specialized in visual books: graphic design, fashion, jewellery, interior design, architecture.

Publisher profile: Promopress

Rafael Dalmau, Editor

Barcelona, Spain

Rafael Dalmau, Editor, a publishing house since 1959, has a large catalogue of books about history, geography and popular culture of the Catalan area. It has become a reference for both specialist and the general public.

Publisher profile: Rafael Dalmau, Editor

Architecta 21, S.L.

Madrid, Spain

Architecture, urbanism, regional and town planning, landscape architecture and gardening.

Publisher profile: Architecta 21, S.L.


Barcelona, Spain

Non-fiction publishing company. It concentrates on alternative ways of approaching current affairs.

Publisher profile: Bronce

Circe Ediciones S A

Barcelona, Spain

Fiction, non-fiction and biography.

Publisher profile: Circe Ediciones S A

Competium S.L.

Girona, Spain

Publishing projects in specific areas: Past and present in enjoying sciences, environmental sciences, medieval history...; specific subjects as Catalunya (forests, water..). Environmental photobooks, visual publishing projects (atlas...).

Publisher profile: Competium S.L.

Ediciones El Andén, S.L.

Barcelona, Spain

Trade and pocket publisher of commercial and literary fiction and non-fiction, international and Spanish authors, in the following languages: Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Euskera.

Publisher profile: Ediciones El Andén, S.L.

200 publishers in the the directory of spanish langauge publishing companies of Spain
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