Publishers of the largest list of rock and hard rock books and magazines, poster-books. Music and Hi-Fi, arts/crafts, medicine, pets, sport, cars, motorcycles, bikes.
Publisher profile: MC Ediciones SA
Macmillan Infantil y Juvenil publishes a wide variety of narrative, literature, trade and gift books in Spanish and Catalan for children from 0 to 12 years by authors and illustrators of recognized nacional and international prestige. Macmillan Infantil y Juvenil belongs to the Macmiillan Group.
Publisher profile: Macmillan Infantil Y Juvenil
General interest books Adults / Children (More than 2,000 titles)
Publisher profile: Libsa, Editorial
Ttarttalo is specialised in three subjects-children's books, cooking books, basque country history books (historial novels, essay, investigation books, fiction books).
Publisher profile: Ttarttalo S L
High quality offset print for all kind of books, catalogues, leaf-lets, magazines, and the typical print projects for graphic arts studios.
Publisher profile: Brizzolis
The Límite Visual Collection, an original idea to discover the most beautiful cities and regions of the world. A great quantity of original photos, illustrations and maps explained with text written by well-famous journalists.
Publisher profile: Compañía Límite de Comunicación, S.A.
Publisher profile: Mediúscula Mitjans Educations S.L.
Fiction. Foreign language study. Easy to read. Children's books. Juvenile fiction. Philosophy. Psychology. Spirituality. Travel.
Publisher profile: Editorial Sirpus
Publisher of pocket books: fiction (contemporary, classics), non-fiction, self-help, romance.
Publisher profile: Debolsillo
Manel Padura SL, publishers of high quality informative architectural books. MP focus mainly on Spanish architects and projects carried out in the last two years.
Publisher profile: Manel Padura SL.