Publishers of high-quality books on architecture, painting and sculpture. And since 2002 we have been publishing children's books that include not only illustrated books for younger children but also didactic books on current issues.
Publisher profile: Nova Galicia Edicións S.L.
Castellnou Edicions publishes text books and literature for children aged 3-18. Their aim is to contribute to the complete education of young people while promoting values such as respect, tolerance, justice and honesty.
Publisher profile: Castellnou Edicions - Hermes Editora General, S.A.U.
Eumo is the publishing house of the Universitat de Vic (Barcelona). Since its origin, in 1979, Eumo has published 1200 titles, of wich 800 are still in print today.
Publisher profile: Eumo Editorial
Cromosoma is a well-known publishing and production company owner of famous characters. The books based on the adventures of The Triplets" are popular all over the world."
Publisher profile: Cromosoma
Illustrated books on architecture, interior design, decorating and lifestyle.
Publisher profile: Loft Publications
Elkar argitaletxea is specialised in creating Basque literature for adults, young people and children and publish education textbooks. Elkar is also a record company, editing the most varied kinds of music produced by Basques.
Publisher profile: Elkarlanean S.L.
Edicións do Cumio is a galician publisher. We make maps and guides about Galicia, books for children, dictionaries and grammar books. We mostly publish in galician language (galego). We also publish music and multimedia books.
Publisher profile: Edicións do Cumio
Facsimile edition of medieval manuscripts.
Publisher profile: Patrimonio Ediciones
Actar is a Barcelona and New York based publisher of groundbreaking books in architecture, graphic design, and contemporary art. Our publishing program is focused on the works of established and emerging architects, designers, and photographers. Actar-D distributes Actar publications catalogue al...
Publisher profile: Actar/Actar-D