Photography Companies

Listing 21 to 30 of 93 companies offering photography services to authors and publishers

Page 3 of 10 of international organizations listed under 'Photography Services' category. View a list of companies offering photography services to authors and publishers by country by selecting a country.

FLP Photography

Beijing, China

FLP Photography is the representative office in China of Professional Photographer Philippe Bourgeois. We produce editorial and commercial images in Asia, with a particular orientation in architecture, local cultures, and various aspects of development in China.

Profile of: FLP Photography, Beijing, China
List of all photography companies in China

autori multimediali sas

Milan, Italy

Since 1994 specialising in multimedia content and video production for education publishers. Educational multimedia and videos for publishing, such as learning a foreign language. Autori Multimediali provides publishers with a full service, from consulting while drafting the script to the final s...

Profile of: autori multimediali sas, Milan, Italy
List of all photography companies in Italy

Società Editoriale Grafiche Az S.R.L. - Legapress S.R.L.

San Martino Buon Albergo, Italy

Offset printing of illustrated books: books for children, photography and art books, exhibition and fashion catalogues as well as posters, brochures, puzzles, leaflets, calendars.

Profile of: Società Editoriale Grafiche Az S.R.L. - Legapress S.R.L., San Martino Buon Albergo, Italy
List of all photography companies in Italy

Logic Arts Corporation: Ideabook

Find tutorials on design, page layout, the use of color, illustration, photography, typography, print and web design, and the business of design.

Profile of: Logic Arts Corporation: Ideabook

Roundhouse Group

Hove, United Kingdom

UK & European representatives & distributors for a number of quality UK and overseas publishers. Four divisions: Roundhouse - general adult; Roundabout - children's books; Roundtrip Travel - maps, guides & travel; Windsor Books International - art, architecture, design & photography.

Profile of: Roundhouse Group, Hove, United Kingdom
List of all photography companies in United Kingdom

Raina Lupa

Barcelona, Spain

Working in Paris since 1994, Raina Lupa Edit. have concentrated on editing and publishing illustrated books with original graphic works. In 2001 R. L. establ. an office in Barcelona and begun a new editorial line based on artists' books with photography.

Profile of: Raina Lupa, Barcelona, Spain
List of all photography companies in Spain

University of New Mexico Press

Publishes books on the history and culture of New Mexico and the Southwest, anthropology, Latin America, photography, art, Chicano studies, and literature.

Profile of: University of New Mexico Press

Edition Skylight

Oetwil am See, Switzerland


Profile of: Edition Skylight, Oetwil am See, Switzerland
List of all photography companies in Switzerland

daab gmbh

Köln, Germany

High-quality coffee-table books about the topics of Design, Architecture, Interior & Photography. Newest developments, trend-setting designers & innovative photographers are presented in more than 100 titles.

Profile of: daab gmbh, Köln, Germany
List of all photography companies in Germany

Intown Creative

Shawnigan Lake, Canada

Graphic designer with 20 years experience provides planning, design, illustration, photography, writing, editing (& proofreading) and pre-press production of all types of printed materials.

Profile of: Intown Creative, Shawnigan Lake, Canada
List of all photography companies in Canada

93 suppliers in the the directory of photography companies

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