Photography Companies of United Kingdom

Listing all 5 British photography companies

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The XYZ Digital Map Company Ltd

Dalkeith, United Kingdom

XYZ create maps and atlases, customise and licence maps, map data and air photography for publication, sell MAPublisher cartographic software and can provide advice and training. Databases include OverView World (wall maps), XYZ World, British Isles People's Map.

Profile of: The XYZ Digital Map Company Ltd, Dalkeith, United Kingdom
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Roundhouse Group

Hove, United Kingdom

UK & European representatives & distributors for a number of quality UK and overseas publishers. Four divisions: Roundhouse - general adult; Roundabout - children's books; Roundtrip Travel - maps, guides & travel; Windsor Books International - art, architecture, design & photography.

Profile of: Roundhouse Group, Hove, United Kingdom
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The Purple Guide

Teddington, United Kingdom

Unlike traditional guidebooks, Purple Guides contain a wealth of personal insights and behind-the-scenes stories, combined with brilliant colour photography, crystal clear maps and useful restaurant and shopping recommendations.

Profile of: The Purple Guide, Teddington, United Kingdom
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Verba Volant

London, United Kingdom

Verba Volant publishes high quality illustrated books that place an emphasis on using excellent photography. Offerings include books on interior design, gardening, art, and architecture.

Profile of: Verba Volant, London, United Kingdom
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Book Creation Ltd.

London, United Kingdom

Publishing advice and creative services, including editorial, design and online. Principal areas include health, puzzles and games, photography, travel, science, computing, and general family reference.

Profile of: Book Creation Ltd., London, United Kingdom
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