One of the leading publishers on scholar books. Publishes fiction, poetry, theatre, African-Portuguese literature, children's books, cartoon strips, economics, politics, geography, law, philosophy, linguistics, history, mathematics, physices, science.
Publisher profile: Grupo Editorial Plátano
Acclaimed in Portugal for it's poetry editions, Assirio & Alvim is above all an eclectic publishing house, who has built his stronghold upon the great quality of it's catalogue in literature as well as in essay, arts and other fields.
Publisher profile: Assirio & Alvim
The leading Portuguese publisher in Portuguese as foreign language books. Publisher and distributor of medical, computer and managing books.
Publisher profile: Lidel-Edições Técnicas, Lda.
Portuguese main authors and literary translated fiction and non-fiction, general and social sciences, universitary, dictionaries and reference books, pocket books, children's books.
Publisher profile: Dom Quixote
Principia Editora is an independent Portuguese publishing house whose activity is focused on different editorial areas through several imprints: Principia (academic, scientific and technical books and journals), Lucerna (religion, catholic oriented), Sete Mares (nautical and sports; travel), Casa...
Publisher profile: Principia Editora, Lda.
Publisher profile: Caleidoscópio, edição e artes gráficas, SA
Ésquilo is an independent house that publishes books mainly in areas such as Philosophy, History, Espirituality, Psychology and Human Relations, mythical and historic fiction, new scientific paradigms, and other topics related to new century vision.
Publisher profile: Ésquilo
Publisher of illustrated books, we're starting in the portuguese industry where we pretend to provide our costumers the books they wanted
Publisher profile: Imagine Words, Lda
Literautre (Poruguese and foreign authors), hisotry, geography, biogrphy, art, children's books, generalities.
Publisher profile: Livraria Civilização Editora