General fiction. Children & young adult's books. Fantasy & Science fiction. Non-fiction: social sciences, history, philosophy, general science, reference books. Arts. Art techniques. Business. Computer. Self-help. Esoterics. Foreign languages.
Publisher profile: Editorial Presença
Portuguese main authors and literary translated fiction and non-fiction, general and social sciences, universitary, dictionaries and reference books, pocket books, children's books.
Publisher profile: Dom Quixote
Ésquilo is an independent house that publishes books mainly in areas such as Philosophy, History, Espirituality, Psychology and Human Relations, mythical and historic fiction, new scientific paradigms, and other topics related to new century vision.
Publisher profile: Ésquilo
Founded in 1995, QuidNovi established itself as the national provider of books to newspaper sales and an important contents producing enterprise.
Publisher profile: QuidNovi-Edição e Conteüdos, S.A.
After 46 years of existence, Verbo has concentrated its publications mainly in two areas: reference books (such as encyclopaedias, dictionaries and history compendiums) and books for young persons. University textbooks and essays are also worthy of mention.
Publisher profile: Editorial Verbo, S.A.