Publishing Companies of Netherlands

Listing 11 to 20 of 80 Dutch Publishing Houses

Page 2 of 8 of all the publishers, publishing companies and publishing houses listed in the Dutch Publishers Directory

18.02 publishing

Duiven, Netherlands

18.02 publishes beautiful ideas like books, (card)games, postcards and all other products that are possible to publish

Publisher profile: 18.02 publishing

Uitgeverij De Geus

Breda, Netherlands

Publisher of fiction. Baricco, Barker, Frame, Jelloun, Kemal, Mahfoez, Makine, Proulx, Shields, Toer, Wassmo, Fo, Fredriksson, Cercas, Cismeros, Maalouf, De Beauvoir, Mernissi, Angelou. Walser, Su Tong, Abdolah, Munoz Molina, Axelsson, Shauna Singh Baldwin, Camilleri, Johnston, Van der Jagt, Slov...

Publisher profile: Uitgeverij De Geus

Frame Publishers

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Publisher profile: Frame Publishers

Lemniscaat B.V.

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Co-productions of top-class picture books. Prize winning juveniles.

Publisher profile: Lemniscaat B.V.

Uitgeverij Unieboek

Houten, Netherlands

Uitgeverij Unieboek

Publisher profile: Uitgeverij Unieboek


Alkmaar, Netherlands

Kluitman is one of the largest children's book publishers in the Netherlands. It publishes mainly series for children and young adults aged 2 to 15. Reading pleasure is the primary aim and all its books are accessible and of a high quality.

Publisher profile: Kluitman

De Bezige Bij

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dutch literature, international literary fiction and non-fiction.

Publisher profile: De Bezige Bij

Thomas Rap

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Publishers of Dutch and foreign literature and non-fiction.

Publisher profile: Thomas Rap

IOS Press

Amsterdam, Netherlands

IOS Press is a scientific, medical and professional publisher established in Amsterdam in 1987. The books and journals cover subjects such as: Medical informatics, artificial intelligence, mathematics, chemistry, computer science and management.

Publisher profile: IOS Press

The House Of Books

Vianen, Netherlands

The House of Books is an internationally oriented, general, commercial publishing house. It publishes successful fiction, non-fiction children's and juvenile books.

Publisher profile: The House Of Books

80 publishing companies in the directory of Dutch publishers

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