Co-productions of top-class picture books. Prize winning juveniles.
Publisher profile: Lemniscaat B.V.
Veenman is a publisher of artists books by young emerging artists. Veenman also publishes innovative magazines on architecture, fashion, design, art and photography.
Publisher profile: Veenman Drukkers B.V.
Publications on architecture, town planning, landscape architecture, mordern art and design in English and Dutch language.
Publisher profile: NAi Publishers
Publishers of books on architecture and design.
Publisher profile: Uitgeverij 010 Publishers
Since 1938 or sixty-nine years of independent publishing in the areas of fiction, history, psychology and education.
Publisher profile: Uitgeverij Ad. Donker
episode publishers are Holland's latest publishers of books on art, culture, architecture and science. episode books seek to enact, reflect and explore the dialogue between these areas.
Publisher profile: episode publishers