Gullane Children's Books is an Established publisher of high quality picture books, board books for 0-8 years. Now owned by Meadowside Children's Books, a partnership which will further the success of their titles and encourage even more international growth.
Publisher profile: Gullane Children'S Books
List of other E-book publishers in United Kingdom
Picture books, fiction, novels.
Publisher profile: Höst & Sön
List of other E-book publishers in Denmark
Publishes college text, reference, and general audience books about exercise physiology, sports medicine, coaching education, fitness, health and nutrition. Includes synopses and an order form.
Publisher profile: Cooper Publishing Group
Photocopyable books and ebooks for teachers and parents.
Publisher profile: First and Best in Education Ltd
STS Science Centre, Ltd. is an independent publisher and research centre seated in London. Next to legal science and economics, the STS Science Centre plans on publishing books regarding other fields of social science such as psychology, sociology, history and management.
Publisher profile: STS Science Centre, Ltd.
List of other E-book publishers in United Kingdom
Specialist alpine touring publishers of ski touring and ski mountaineering guide books to India, Peru, Bolivia,Australia and Canada.
Publisher profile: Alpine Touring
List of other E-book publishers in Australia
Murray Books creates, develops and publishes new and exciting tactive book concepts aimed by every group and demography.
Publisher profile: Murray Books
List of other E-book publishers in Australia
Winterbourne Publishing is a boutique Australian e-publisher of speculative fiction (science fiction and fantasy) by new or unknown Australian authors.
Publisher profile: Winterbourne Publishing
List of other E-book publishers in Australia
Publishers of books in civics, fiction(Cultural)reference books. offices in Ghana, Liberia and sierra Leone
Publisher profile: Adaex Educational Publications ltd
List of other E-book publishers in Ghana
Romeii, LLC provides ebook conversion services, editing, marketing and distribution of your books to the major online retail outlets. With over 100 years experience in writing, editing and graphic design, we're your one-stop-shop for eBook publishing.
Publisher profile: Romeii eBook Publishing
List of other E-book publishers in United States