Established to be a social enterprise publisher. We donate 33% of our income to charity.
Publisher profile: Abela Publishing
List of other E-book publishers in United Kingdom
We are an independent publishing house, publishing fiction in multiple genres featuring shocking twists and turns throughout, keeping the reader on edge. Currently, we are open to submissions. We are very selective and only sign on a few authors per year.
Publisher profile: Wicked Ink Publishing Ltd.
List of other E-book publishers in Canada
Since 1985, Career Press has been publishing titles spanning careers, personal finance, business management, study skills, and leisure pursuits. Our second imprint, New Page Books, is also celebrating five years of publishing the best in new age, health, self-help and general non-fiction titles.
Publisher profile: Career Press Inc.
List of other E-book publishers in United States
Publishers of high-quality picture books, fiction and non-fiction for children and young adults.
Publisher profile: Groundwood Books
List of other E-book publishers in Canada
Publisher with more than fifty years of tradition has already published over 8.000 titles. Our publishing interests are: popular scientific books on nature, publications for gardeners, women, children, young people, language books, DIY, self-improvement.
Publisher profile: Príroda
List of other E-book publishers in Slovakia
Publisher of travel guides, road atlases and maps, geography. Large format picture books and magazines. Non-fiction travel literature.
Publisher profile: Touring Club Italiano
List of other E-book publishers in Italy
Our products are grouped into three categories of learning books such as bookstart, exercise books and picture books; education media such as learning card, hand dolls and finger dolls; as well as decorative accessories for classrooms such as board decoration and boards for introducing new member...
Publisher profile: Pass Education, Co., Ltd.
List of other E-book publishers in Thailand
El título provisional de mi opúsculo es VENEZUELA XXI: La Revolución de la Estupidez (alrededor de 170 páginas, y 8 ilustraciones). Trata el tema de la estupidez (definida según la Real Academia) como una condición síquica que afecta gravemente el devenir histórico de Venezuela en el siglo XXI. O...
Publisher profile: Aguilar
List of other E-book publishers in Spain
Educational books, reference books, cartography. Spanish as a foreign language.
Publisher profile: Santillana Ediciones Educativas
List of other E-book publishers in Spain