Dino Fino Verlag from Germany publishes a total of three book series for children of all ages. Our goal is nothing less than the whole world: we are looking for international publishers. All our stories are set in Dinoville, where our dinosaur children live and experience exiting adventures.
Publisher profile: Dino Fino GmbH
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Canadian publisher of True Crime and Crime Fiction books
Publisher profile: RJ Parker Publishing, Inc
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Launching volumes by new authors as well as fully revised editions of valuable works from the past, Living Time™ Books is a UK Publishing House that has been releasing titles across all genres since 1999. LTB™ publishes works in Paperback, Hardback, Audio and in All Major eBook formats.
Publisher profile: Living Time Books
List of other Audio book publishers in United Kingdom
Verlag Antje Kunstmann is an independent publishing house founded in 1976 publishing international fiction and non-fiction as well as audio-books, illustrated and gift-books.
Publisher profile: Verlag Antje Kunstmann
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Uitgeverij Unieboek
Publisher profile: Uitgeverij Unieboek
List of other Audio book publishers in Netherlands
MoonQuill is an indie publisher that specializes in ebook, print, and webcomic production.
Publisher profile: MoonQuill
List of other Audio book publishers in United States
Histria Books publishes general interest books, fiction and literature, and children’s books, as well as academic books in broad range of categories with a focus on history. Its imprints include Gaudium, Addison & Highsmith, Histria Kids, Vita Histria, and the Center for Romanian Studies.
Publisher profile: Histria Books
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City Limits Publishing is a Tennessee-based publisher. We help authors find voice, develop writing & storytelling skills, and publish works.
Publisher profile: City Limits Publishing
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Beginner's book in Macedonian for adults, covers Council of Europe language levels A1 and A2. With grammar and glossary.
Publisher profile: Povelete! Makedonska för nybörjare
SesleKitap is the first audio book publisher in Turkey. Theres more than 3 hundered audio books in SesleKitap website. All SesleKitap audio books are also downloadible.
Publisher profile: SesleKitap
List of other Audio book publishers in Turkey