Erdem Publishing House was established in 1984. In the shortest time, it became one of the most important companies in Turkey which heavily concentrated on children's books. Today it publishes children's books. Today it publishes children's books carefully chosen from world and Turkish classics.
Publisher profile: Erdem Yayinlari Tic. Ltd. St.
List of other Turkish language publishers in Turkey
Turkish publishing house. Kaknus Publishing House has been operating since 1997. At the end of 1996 ten books were chosen to be published.
Publisher profile: Kaknüs Yayinlari
List of other Turkish language publishers in Turkey
Leiden University Press is the publisher of the finest scholarly books with a focus on (Leiden Excellent Research) Humanities, South Asia, history, languages,culture, archeology, law & development. Leiden University Pressalso publishes e-journals, text books and trade academic books.
Publisher profile: Leiden University Press
List of other Turkish language publishers in Netherlands
Founded by Saban Kurt in 1978, Cagri Yayinlari (Cagri Publishing) has published so far 126 volumes (100.000 pages) of classical and contemporary islamic authors in Turkish, Arabic, and English, as well as classical Ottoman and Turkish works.
Publisher profile: Çagri Yayinlari
List of other Turkish language publishers in Turkey
Egmont encompasses magazines, comics, books, film, TV-programmes, textbooks, games and electronic entertainment. Egmont has activities in 21 countries, and 3,600 dedicated employees reached revenues of EUR 1,173 million in 2005.
Publisher profile: Dogan Egmont Publishing A.S.
List of other Turkish language publishers in Turkey
Yumurcak Yayinlari (Publications) is a leading publishing house in Turkey in pre-school education, has published educational sets for kindergartens, story books, coloring books, puzzles, and other related titles.
Publisher profile: Yumurcak Yayinlari
List of other Turkish language publishers in Turkey
Publisher profile: Kanat Kitap
List of other Turkish language publishers in Turkey
D PUBLISHING is a leading publishing house in Turkey in English language teaching, has published books and interactive software CD's. Main areas are English language, teaching materials in all levels from primary schools to University.
Publisher profile: D Publishing
List of other Turkish language publishers in Turkey
We offer over 30 years experience in international medical publishing. Choose from our well-known series of titles, sponsored publications or special projects customised to marketing requirements. Merit has offices in the UK and USA .
Publisher profile: Merit Publishing International
List of other Turkish language publishers in United Kingdom