Spanish Language Publishers

Listing 351 to 360 of 400 Spanish langauge publishing companies

Page 36 of 40 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of spanish publishers. To view a list of spanish langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including Spanish books, Spanish e-books, Spanish magazines, Spanish newspapers...

Publicacions de la Universitat de València

València, Spain

PUV is the publishing house of the University of València. We publish academic books and a wide range of series and journals devoted to scientific education & the promotion of critical thought and the debate of ideas.

Publisher profile: Publicacions de la Universitat de València
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

Ciro Ediciones S A

Barcelona, Spain

We are a publishing company that is in charge of publishing books which are distributed by the communication media.

Publisher profile: Ciro Ediciones S A
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

Early Bird Books

Barcelona, Spain

Innovative independent publishers of fully-illustrated trilingual children's dictionaries.

Publisher profile: Early Bird Books
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

Editorial Artec

Segovia, Spain

Spanish publishers especialised on high-format books. High quality books, with the most exigent patterns for its text and pictures. Artec is working for Institutions and companies for making books at command according with its mission: Publishing your dreams.

Publisher profile: Editorial Artec
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

Editorial Mediterrania S.L.

Barcelona, Spain

Editorial Mediterrània has a 25 year long experience in publishing books in Catalan. The main areas of publication are children books, comprising picture books and pedagogic titles; books on art (monographics and catalogues) and essays (religion, sociology and politics).

Publisher profile: Editorial Mediterrania S.L.
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

Alcañiz y Fresnos, S.A.

Valladolid, Spain

Publish company specialized in army background, military history and aircrafts profiles. Firma spezialisiert auf Armeehintergrund, militärische Geschichten und Flugzeugprofile.

Publisher profile: Alcañiz y Fresnos, S.A.
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

Grafalco Ediciones S.L.

Fuente el Saz, Spain

Mass market publishers of children's books. Our range includes fairy tales, sticker books, activity books, board books etc.

Publisher profile: Grafalco Ediciones S.L.
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

Perspectiva Editorial Cultural

Barcelona, Spain

Edició de libres de regal per a empreses i institucions. Albums illustrats. Jocs didactics. Literatura infantil i juvenil.

Publisher profile: Perspectiva Editorial Cultural
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain


Barcelona, Spain

We are a Spanish publisher specialized in visual books: graphic design, fashion, jewellery, interior design, architecture.

Publisher profile: Promopress
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain


Madrid, Spain

Egartorre is a Spanish publisher, wholesaler and bookshop with a big general catalogue.

Publisher profile: Egartorre
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

400 publishers in the the directory of spanish langauge publishing companies

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