Award winning Publisher of Activity Based Early Childhood Resources for Educators.
Publisher profile: Gryphon House, Inc.
List of other Spanish language publishers in United States
Alternative publishing and distribution company.
Publisher profile: Intermedia Publishing Group
List of other Spanish language publishers in United States
Wir publizieren für Forschung, Lehre und berufliche Praxis: Geistes-und Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Medien und Kultur. Dissertationen, Habilitationen, Berichte, Editionen, Fach-und Lehrbücher.
Publisher profile: Martin Meidenbauer Verlagsbuchhandlung
List of other Spanish language publishers in Germany
Publishers of an extensive range of works including literary and commercial fiction, non-fiction, pocket books, children's literature.
Publisher profile: Editorial Sudamericana Random House Mondadori
List of other Spanish language publishers in Argentina
Edicións do Cumio is a galician publisher. We make maps and guides about Galicia, books for children, dictionaries and grammar books. We mostly publish in galician language (galego). We also publish music and multimedia books.
Publisher profile: Edicións do Cumio
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
Multilanguage publisher specializing in technical/scientific books, also publishing other genres: fiction (SF, young adult, romance, satiric, historical), non-fiction (essays, how-to, guides).
Publisher profile: Infarom
List of other Spanish language publishers in Romania
Sinolingua, a member of the China International Publishing Group (CIPG), was founded in 1986. It is China’s first publisher specializing in Chinese-language teaching and learning materials for foreigners, and is a prestigious brand in this field. Sinolingua mainly publishes books, audio-video pro...
Publisher profile: Sinolingua Press China
List of other Spanish language publishers in China
Edguecational Publishing is a publishers of children's educational books and specialty titles in English, Spanish, and Arabic.
Publisher profile: Edgeucational Publishing
List of other Spanish language publishers in United States
Publishing House 'Siesta' had been operating since 2004 translating and publishing world classics, poetry, drama, children's literature and much more.
Publisher profile: Publishing House 'Siesta'
List of other Spanish language publishers in Georgia
Facsimile edition of medieval manuscripts.
Publisher profile: Patrimonio Ediciones
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain