Fiction, essay, social sciences, biography, pocket book series.
Publisher profile: Editorial Anagrama, S.A.
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
Index Book is a Spanish publisher specialized in visual books on graphic design, advertising, new media, photography, illustration, etc.
Publisher profile: Index Book S.L.
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
For over 40 years Teacher Created Materials has published innovative, imaginative, and award-winning resources for teachers and students in all subjects for Grades K-12. Our driving vision is to Create a World in which Children Love to Learn!
Publisher profile: Teacher Created Materials
List of other Spanish language publishers in United States
Grandes enciclopedias ilustradas, libros de arte, geografía, historia y ciencias, obras de difusin cultural, fascículos y revistas. Videos y DVDs. Multimedia.
Publisher profile: Editorial Planeta De Agostini
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain the big online bookshop. 14 millions books in English, Italian, French, Spanish and German; 70 millions of used books; E-Books from all over the world; 500.000 music CDs; 100.000 DVDs Film and 15.000 videogames, special offers.
Publisher profile: DEA Mediagroup Spa
List of other Spanish language publishers in Italy
In the UK and worldwide since 1985, LCF leads in languages, supplying teachers and resources to schools. The new English course for children (EEC compliant) Teacher and Student work-books link with LCF's innovative online English resource Englishzone.
Publisher profile: LCF (UK) Ltd.
List of other Spanish language publishers in United Kingdom
The winners of the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards competitions are on exhibition, including over 80 countries-entry in the competition is free and open to all.
Publisher profile: Gourmand International l. Rabelais S.L.
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
We are an independent publishing house, founded in 2024, specializing in illustrated children's books for children from 0 to 12 years old.
Publisher profile: Cuentos con Valores
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
Lucid House Publishing is a bespoke publishing solution created by authors for authors. We represent a curated group of writers. Several of our titles have won awards and recognition in the industry. We build long-term relationships with our authors and publish books in a wide variety of genres.
Publisher profile: Lucid House Publishing
List of other Spanish language publishers in United States
Focus Medica delivers innovative audio-visual titles in digital format such as 3D animated videos that simplify the understanding of health and medical concepts.
Publisher profile: Focus Medica India Pvt Ltd
List of other Spanish language publishers in India