Spanish Language Publishers

Listing 171 to 180 of 400 Spanish langauge publishing companies

Page 18 of 40 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of spanish publishers. To view a list of spanish langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including Spanish books, Spanish e-books, Spanish magazines, Spanish newspapers... SRL

Bucharest, Romania SRL manages three publishing houses: ePublishers, eLiteratura, and eDidactica. <br />All publications are in electronic format.

Publisher profile: SRL
List of other Spanish language publishers in Romania

InterZona Editora

Buenos Aires, Argentina

InterZona Editora is a three year-old independent publishing house based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. IZ's catalogue is composed of 5 collections among which you can find IZ Latino-americana: some of the best of Latin American contemporary literature.

Publisher profile: InterZona Editora
List of other Spanish language publishers in Argentina

Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat

Barcelona, Spain

Founded in 1498, nowadays we have more than three thousand titles published in Catalan. The main subjects we deal about are: history, fine arts, essay, religion, music, courses of Catalan language, children's books.

Publisher profile: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

Editorial Cruïlla, S.A.

Barcelona, Spain

Publications génerales infantiles, juveniles, livres pour l'enseignement.

Publisher profile: Editorial Cruïlla, S.A.
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain


Buenos Aires, Argentina

Quipu es una editorial de literatura infantil y juvenil. Contamos con autores e Ilustradores de reconocida trayectoria como, Ana Maria Shuá, María Inés Falconi, Cecilia Pisos, Adela Basch, Federico Combi, Olga Drennen, Montero, Alberto Mont, Caloi, Sendra y muchos, muchos otros. Las colecci...

Publisher profile: Quipu
List of other Spanish language publishers in Argentina

Pictus S.R.L.

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Argentinean publishing house founded in 2008. Areas of development: picture books, illustrated books, children and juvenile fiction, comics.

Publisher profile: Pictus S.R.L.
List of other Spanish language publishers in Argentina

Editorial Nerea

Donostia, Spain

Historia arte, arquitectura y restauración principalmente. El libro característico de Nerea se puede definir como una obra científicamente muy rigurosa y a la vez de fácil acceso para los no especialistas.

Publisher profile: Editorial Nerea
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

Guadalajara Reporter


English language coverage of central Mexico, including news, editorials, entertainment, and features for expats.

Publisher profile: Guadalajara Reporter
List of other Spanish language publishers in Mexico

Editorial Crítica

Barcelona, Spain

Libros de ensayo: historia, filosofia, arqueología, ciencias sociales, divulgación científica.

Publisher profile: Editorial Crítica
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

400 publishers in the the directory of spanish langauge publishing companies

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