Combel Editorial és un segell que des de l’any 1989 edita llibres il·lustrats per a nens i nenes amb la intenció de posar al seu abast uns materials de qualitat que els acompanyin en la seva formació com a lectors. El nostre catàleg comprèn un ventall molt ampli de títols, des dels llibres de ...
Publisher profile: Combel Editorial
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
Publishers of books on: social work, religion, psychology, fiction and nonfiction (juvenile).
Publisher profile: Editorial Lumen S.R.L.
List of other Spanish language publishers in Argentina
Spanish Language Shopper published weekly in Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, San Antonio, Austin. Digitally in El Paso.
Publisher profile: Buena Suerte Spanish News
List of other Spanish language publishers in United States
Books on the outdoors, sports, (golf, chess, sailing, fishing, cycling, football, riding, pilates, martial arts, hunting, sport medicine, etc.) astronomy, gardening, art and craft techniques, cookery, pets, self-help and sports videos & DVDs.
Publisher profile: Ediciones Tutor, S A
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
ELI stands for European Language Institute and it is one of the main European educational publishers with offices in Italy and UK. ELI specialises in coursebooks, complementary and supplementary materials (magazines, readers, activity and puzzle books, civilization books, language games, posters,...
Publisher profile: Eli Publishing Ltd.
List of other Spanish language publishers in United Kingdom
Sellos editoriales especializados en infantil y juvenil.
Publisher profile: Editorial Planeta, S.A. - Área Infantil-Juvenil Timun Mas/Yoyo Destino Infantil & Juvenil
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
Online weekly newspaper in English and Spanish with news and editorials supporting statehood for the island.
Publisher profile: Puerto Rico Herald
List of other Spanish language publishers in Puerto Rico
Galaxia Gutenberg is an imprint of Circulo de Lectores, specializing in illustrated books by contemporary artists, poetry, essays, novels and collected works of classical authors.
Publisher profile: Galaxia Gutenberg/Cérculo de Lectores
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain
PMPH-USA is a small, growing, and dynamic international publisher which provides clinical and reference textbooks for physicians, specialized clinicians, librarians, and students. We provide essnetial information for medical professionals in print and electronic formats, including textbooks, CD-R...
Publisher profile: PMPH-USA
List of other Spanish language publishers in United States
Graphic testimony of the creative talent of new and established architects besides approach popular themes that because of their content diserve to be captured in an art book developing a great and unique editorial work full of quality.
Publisher profile: AM Editores S.A de C.V.
List of other Spanish language publishers in Mexico