Spanish Language Publishers

Listing 91 to 100 of 400 Spanish langauge publishing companies

Page 10 of 40 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of spanish publishers. To view a list of spanish langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including Spanish books, Spanish e-books, Spanish magazines, Spanish newspapers...

NÜANS Publishing

Ankara, Turkey

NUANS is an experienced Foreign Language Teaching publisher, distributor, and bookseller that has been working in this field since 1991.

Publisher profile: NÜANS Publishing
List of other Spanish language publishers in Turkey

Grupo Editorial Bruño, S.L.

Madrid, Spain

Edicioón y commercialización de libros escolares, materiales didácticos y complementarios para todos los niveles educativos; obras destinadas al profesorado. Publicaciones infantiles y juveniles: literatura, comics; narrativa; juegos.

Publisher profile: Grupo Editorial Bruño, S.L.
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

Editorial Sol 90

Barcelona, Spain

With more than 15 years of experience Sol 90 Publishing is a company specialized in providing stratetic marketing solutions for the newspaper and magazine industry generating new sources of revenue or strengthens brand name and readers loyalty.

Publisher profile: Editorial Sol 90
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

Narval Editores

Madrid, Spain

Independent Children Publishing House focused on literary and illustration quality books.

Publisher profile: Narval Editores
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

Suma de Letras

Madrid, Spain

Fiction, novel, literature (bestsellers).

Publisher profile: Suma de Letras
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

Freytag-Berndt und Artaria KG

Wien, Austria

Atlanten, Autokarten, Stadtpläne, Wanderkarten, Radkarten, Freizeitführer, Markiertafeln, Poster, Bürokarten, Wirtschaftspläne, Servicekarten, Specials, Werbemittel, Schreibunterlagen, Bücher, Kalender, Reliefkarten, Schulkarten, Geodaten, Multimedia, gegründet 1770.

Publisher profile: Freytag-Berndt und Artaria KG
List of other Spanish language publishers in Austria

Maeva Ediciones

Madrid, Spain

Young publishing company established in 1985, with a cared catalogue.

Publisher profile: Maeva Ediciones
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain


ERUDITUS® is a contemporary publishing house created to advance scholarly and educational publications and reach a wider audience that publishes scholarly peer-reviewed journals, academic books, monographs, text-books and educational books for all ages with a focus on humanities and social sciences.

Publisher profile: ERUDITUS®

La Noticia: the Spanish-Language Newspaper

United States

Weekly publication provides information on advertising and subscriptions plus photo gallery. Includes Spanish translation.

Publisher profile: La Noticia: the Spanish-Language Newspaper
List of other Spanish language publishers in United States

Edelsa Grupo Didascalia S.A.

Madrid, Spain

Spanish publisher specialized in methods and materials for the education and the learning of the Spanish as a foreign language (textbooks, grammar, audio-visual, multimedia, reading books, etc.).

Publisher profile: Edelsa Grupo Didascalia S.A.
List of other Spanish language publishers in Spain

400 publishers in the the directory of spanish langauge publishing companies

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