Wir publizieren für Forschung, Lehre und berufliche Praxis: Geistes-und Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Medien und Kultur. Dissertationen, Habilitationen, Berichte, Editionen, Fach-und Lehrbücher.
Publisher profile: Martin Meidenbauer Verlagsbuchhandlung
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Germany
Actual Editora is a young publishing company, specialized in business, management and economic titles.
Publisher profile: Actual Editora Conjuntura Actual Editora
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Portugal
Publishing House 'Siesta' had been operating since 2004 translating and publishing world classics, poetry, drama, children's literature and much more.
Publisher profile: Publishing House 'Siesta'
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Georgia
Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte sind die Entwicklung, Produktion und Vermarktung von "Mobile Content". Hauptprodukt sind die von uns entwickelten MOBILEBOOKS: Literarische Anwendungen für mobile Endgeräte (Mobiltelefone, Smartphones...).
Publisher profile: Blackbetty Mobilmedia GmbH
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Austria
The Ciranda Cultural has publishing children's books that reach an international quality standard: pop-up-books; board books; pillow books and others
Publisher profile: Ciranda Cultural Publishing Limited
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Brazil
Edición de enciclopedias y diccionarios en formato libros, CD/DVD y online
Publisher profile: Durvan, S.A. De Ediciones
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Spain
Publisher profile: Editora Octavo Ltda.
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Brazil
After 46 years of existence, Verbo has concentrated its publications mainly in two areas: reference books (such as encyclopaedias, dictionaries and history compendiums) and books for young persons. University textbooks and essays are also worthy of mention.
Publisher profile: Editorial Verbo, S.A.
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Portugal
Committed to educational and believing that only with ethical values can build a more just and united world, the Elementar Publicaçoes e Editora Ltda was founded in 2000 to produce books that children and young people have pleasure in reading and that promote reflection and joy, which stimulate...
Publisher profile: Elementar Publicaçoes e Editora Ltda
List of other Portuguese language publishers in Brazil
We offer over 30 years experience in international medical publishing. Choose from our well-known series of titles, sponsored publications or special projects customised to marketing requirements. Merit has offices in the UK and USA .
Publisher profile: Merit Publishing International
List of other Portuguese language publishers in United Kingdom