The publishing house ASDRENI-Skopje was founded in 1992. We have published till now more then 500 titles, albanian and mostly german authors like Jürgen Habermas, Hermann Hesse, Max Frisch, Daniel Kehlmann, Erich Kästner, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Max Weber, etc.
Publisher profile: Publishing House Asdreni
List of other German language publishers in Macedonia
Sofia Verlag promotes the use of theatre to teach children languages. Our company focuses on making learning fun and entertaining.
Publisher profile: Sofia Verlag
List of other German language publishers in Germany
Gemeinschaftspräsentation einzelner Titel aus Klein-und Selbstverlagen.
Publisher profile: Lichtels Verlag
List of other German language publishers in Germany
Der Verlag Brandenburger Tor gibt einen Bildband über das Berliner Parlamentsviertel heraus, zudem eine Broschüre über das Brandenburger Tor.
Publisher profile: Verlag Brandenburger Tor GmbH
List of other German language publishers in Germany
Jüdisch-christliche Werte und Tradition wiederentdecken. Theologie des Volkes Gottes. Papstbücher. Neues Liederbuch Benedictus" mit CDs. Zeitschrift der Katholischen Integrierten Gemeinde "HEUTE in Kirche und Welt"
Publisher profile: Verlag Urfeld GmbH
List of other German language publishers in Germany
Creative Works Int'l Media—a multi-project "social business"* specializing in publishing, writing, children's, YA, literary fiction books, international magazines, travel guides, and in creative consulting, workshops, and documentary and project creative direction.
Publisher profile: Creative Works Int'l Media
List of other German language publishers in United States
Die Veröffentlichung des ersten Romans "Das Bardenberg Projekt" von Walter F. Jonas, war die Ausgangslage zur Gründung des 50 plus verlag.
Publisher profile: 50 plus verlag GbR
List of other German language publishers in Germany
m-int Publishing, leading corporate/contract publishing house, delivers fresh and result-driven content for clients in the automotive, healthcare, fashion and lifestyle industry.
Publisher profile: m-int Publishing
List of other German language publishers in United Arab Emirates
Schiel & Denver Book Publishers is a leading U.S. book publishing services provider serving independent authors around the world.
Publisher profile: Schiel & Denver Book Publishers
List of other German language publishers in United States
Would translate my book from English to German and market it in Europe? The book was written by an American Jew who was sickened by man’s inhumanity to man. Cover shows a gruesome picture of Dresden, Germany showing the carnage and piles of mangled bodies in the city square subsequent to a rain o...
Publisher profile: Avanti Publishing House
List of other German language publishers in United States