German Language Publishers

Listing 91 to 100 of 969 German langauge publishing companies

Page 10 of 97 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of german publishers. To view a list of german langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including German books, German e-books, German magazines, German newspapers...

Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Co. KG

Göttingen-Bern-Toronto-Ca, Germany

Wissenschaftlich psychologische Literatur einschließlich der angrenzenden Gebiete, Pädagogik, Soziologie, Psychotherapie, Medizin und Wirtschaft. Enzyklopädie der Psychologie (88 Bände). "Psychologische Rundschau" seit 1949. Vertriebsabteilung: Robert-Bosch-Breite 25, D-37079 Göttingen.

Publisher profile: Hogrefe Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
List of other German language publishers in Germany


Bertrange, Luxembourg

Legitech is the publisher of reference for Luxembourg law and taxation. It also offers services in legal document processing and legal document publishing software called Progilex.

Publisher profile: Legitech
List of other German language publishers in Luxembourg


Saarbrücken, Germany

So ist es uns möglich, unseren Autoren eine wirklich kostenfreie Veröffentlichung ihrer Arbeit plus Gewinnbeteiligung und, schon nach wenigen Verkäufen des Buches, ein Freiexemplar anzu

Publisher profile: Akademikerverlag
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Bruckmann Verlag GmbH

Munich, Germany

Bildbände, Freizeitführer, Lehr-und Praxisbücher, DVDs, Kalender, Zeitschriften, Sammler-Editionen zu Reisen/Länder, Wandern, Radfahren, Autound Motorradfahren, Bergsteigen.

Publisher profile: Bruckmann Verlag GmbH
List of other German language publishers in Germany

EK-Verlag GmbH Eisenbahn-Kurier

Freiburg, Germany

Eisenbahnbücher, Eisenbahnzeitschriften, Eisenbahnvideos, Kalender, Eisenbahnpostkarten u.v.m. Zeitschriften: Eisenbahn-Kurier, Stadtverkehr, Modellbahn-Kurier.

Publisher profile: EK-Verlag GmbH Eisenbahn-Kurier
List of other German language publishers in Germany


London, United Kingdom

International publisher of books containing case studies of the world's strongest brands which are determined by market research and industry experts input

Publisher profile: Superbrands
List of other German language publishers in United Kingdom

Arena Verlag/Edition Bücherbär/Ensslin Verlag

Würzburg, Germany

One of the most prominent publishers of children's books in Germany, fiction and non-fiction for all age groups from beginners to young adults.

Publisher profile: Arena Verlag/Edition Bücherbär/Ensslin Verlag
List of other German language publishers in Germany


Münster-Hamburg-Berlin-Wi, Germany

Kleidungskultur für den Herrn. Kleidungsratgeber für den Herrn. /Wissenschaftliche Literatur: Sozial-und Kulturwissenschaft, Politik, Geschichte, Ethnologie, Soziologie, Medien, Jura, VWL, BWL, Psychologie, Theologie, Geographie, Kunstgeschichte, Sport.

Publisher profile: LIT-Verlag
List of other German language publishers in Germany

Gerstenberg Verlag GmbH & Co. KG

Hildesheim, Germany

Gerstenberg Verlag was founded in St. Petersburg in 1792, a few years later, the company moved to Hildesheim. Today's attractive book list includes children's literature as well as illustrated non-fiction titles for all age groups. Among the highlights of our attractive book list are, to name but...

Publisher profile: Gerstenberg Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
List of other German language publishers in Germany

LIT Verlag

Berlin, Germany

Sozial-und Kulturwissenschaft, Asien, Afrika, Naher-und Mittlerer Osten, Politik, Geschichte, Ethnologie, Soziologie, Medien, Jura, VWL, BWL, Psychologie, Theologie, Geographie, Kunstgeschichte, Sport, Pädagogik, Academic Books.

Publisher profile: LIT Verlag
List of other German language publishers in Germany

969 publishers in the the directory of german langauge publishing companies

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