Panama is a new independent publisher. We publish fiction, essays, documents, illustrated books and children's books.
Publisher profile: Editions du Panama
List of other French language publishers in France
Depuis 80 ans, Dangles creuse son sillon dans des domaines bien spécifiques: médecines douces, écologie, dévelopement personnel, spiritualité et ésotérisme. Ce dévelopement s'exprime au travers de plus de 400 ouvrages.
Publisher profile: Editions Dangles
List of other French language publishers in France
Publisher of non-fiction books, specializing in foreign language & culture, religion, and memoirs.
Publisher profile: MSI Press
List of other French language publishers in United States
Founded in 1964 Marcel Didier publish textbooks and workbooks for elementary, secondary and college.
Publisher profile: Marcel Didier
List of other French language publishers in Canada
African Languages, Ethnography / Cultural Anthropology / African History. Grammars, Dictionaries and Collected Papers on major African Languages and the endangered Languages of Africa. African Oral Literatures (history, tales and proverbs) and their Analyses.
Publisher profile: R. Koeppe Publisher
List of other French language publishers in Germany
A children books collectection to discover a legend, approach the female condition, the striking stages of the childhood, the school, the transmission...So many supports of discussion for the relatives with their children. Universal subjects anchored in the culture of the Indian Ocean...
Publisher profile: Ocean Editions
List of other French language publishers in France
Livres pratiques en couleur. Editions en langue Française, Allemande, Anglaise. Edition et diffusion en France et zone francophone.
Publisher profile: Editions SAEP
List of other French language publishers in France
We offer editorial services to our clients, to express what they need to communicate, in a proper and impeccable manner through their documents.
Publisher profile: De Letreo Ediciones
List of other French language publishers in Mexico
Éditions Goélette became known outside Canada's borders with Goélette International, offering game-books, novels, documentaries, a wide range of activity books, cookbooks and
Publisher profile: Goélette international
List of other French language publishers in Canada
Music publisher and independent record label. Specialized in different music styles, from alternative rock to soundtrack music, Italian music and many others. Also sub-publisher for the Italian territory for foreign catalogues.
Publisher profile: New Model Label
List of other French language publishers in Italy