Hachette Jeunesse, leader en France sur les livres pour la Jeunesse avec plus de 400 nouveaux titres par an, s'établit depuis plus d'un siècle comme la référence du livre pour enfants, adolescents et jeunes adultes. Des romans avec les collections Bibliothèque Rose et Verte, Black Mo...
Publisher profile: Hachette Jeunesse
List of other French language publishers in France
Livres scolaires premier et second degrés. Enseignement technique et superieur. Ouvrages pour les secteurs de l'hotellerie, du tourisme, des métiers de bouche et du sanitaire et social. Livres pour la jeunesse. CD-ROM's educatifs. Ouvrages pédagogiques.
Publisher profile: Delagrave Edition
List of other French language publishers in France
Dutch general publishing house, which publishes apart from Dutch also in other languages. Headquarters are located in France.
Publisher profile: AristoScorpio Publishing House
List of other French language publishers in France
Create, Publish, Promote! A multi-service media and publishing agency, founded by highly experienced journalist Paul Bull.
Publisher profile: Toro Vista
List of other French language publishers in United Kingdom
Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles publishes textbooks, university level and research oriented books in law, economics, sociology, philosophy, political science, history, statistics.
Publisher profile: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles
List of other French language publishers in Belgium
One of the oldest and most reputable family owned publishing houses established since the turn of the century in 1900 in Cairo - Egypt.
Publisher profile: Boustany's Publishing House
List of other French language publishers in Egypt
Editeur de livres d'art, publishers of fine art books, Herausgabe von Kunstbüchern.
Publisher profile: Mercatorfonds NV
List of other French language publishers in Belgium
Editions AAM. Depuis sa création en 1968, l'association a publié quelque cent cinquante ouvrages destinés à faire connaître et valoriser le patrimoine architectural en général mais aussi les collections rassemblées par l'association.
Publisher profile: Archives d'Architecture Moderne
List of other French language publishers in Belgium
Publisher of illustrated non-fiction books on history, science, popular culture.
Publisher profile: Editions Acropole Places des Editeurs
List of other French language publishers in France
Business, economics, music & nature books with global success. Sales, leadership, innovation, social styles, careers, customer service. Corky Siegel's Let Your Music Soar puts emotion and dynamics in your music. Color-photo books on wolves and deer.
Publisher profile: Nova Vista Publishing
List of other French language publishers in United States