French Language Publishers

Listing 291 to 300 of 494 French langauge publishing companies

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These publishing firms publish a range of materials including French books, French e-books, French magazines, French newspapers...

Orthotes Editrice

Nocera Inferiore, Italy

Orthotes is democratic- and pluralistic-spirited Publisher. It especially publishes essay writings in philosophy, politics, literature, social sciences. Among the authors represented by Orthotes there are: Slavoj Žižek, Alenka Zupancic, Luisa Muraro, Diego Giordano, Ernesto Laclau, etc. Moreover ...

Publisher profile: Orthotes Editrice
List of other French language publishers in Italy

Bayard Editions Jeunesse

Paris, France

Activity books, board books, novelty books, picture books, non-fiction, comics, fiction, novels, poetry, fairy tales, religion, CD-ROM. Age group: preschool, 5-10, 10-15.

Publisher profile: Bayard Editions Jeunesse
List of other French language publishers in France

Editions Vigot Editions Maloine

Paris, France

Editeur de livres de médecine, vétérinaire, sport, fitness, bricolage, arts décoratifs, vie pratique, guides de voyage, hippologie, infirmiéres, cuisine et jardinage.

Publisher profile: Editions Vigot Editions Maloine
List of other French language publishers in France

Rageot Editeur

Paris, France

Rageot Editeur publishes fiction written mostly by contemporary French authors for children and young adults. Our ambition is to accompany young readers over time and offer them texts that develop their personality, tastes in literature and understanding of the world.

Publisher profile: Rageot Editeur
List of other French language publishers in France


Lyon, France

Created in 2000, Tanibis is a non-profit publisher specialized in experimental comics.

Publisher profile: Tanibis
List of other French language publishers in France

Edition Blaise

Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France

Publication, édition de nouveaux auteurs, principalement en langue française.

Publisher profile: Edition Blaise
List of other French language publishers in France


Paris, France

A new range of lively and educational books with a strong and innovative graphic identity. Activity books, board books, novelty books, picture books, pop-up books, fairy tales. Age group: pre-school, 5-10.

Publisher profile: Tourbillon
List of other French language publishers in France

Amyris Edition

Bruxelles, Belgium

Specialisé en médecines alternatives comme aromathérapie, gemmothérapie, phyhtothérapie, apithérapie, etc. et en nutrition.

Publisher profile: Amyris Edition
List of other French language publishers in Belgium

Editions Télémaque

Paris, France

General publisher for adult fiction, non-fiction and art books.

Publisher profile: Editions Télémaque
List of other French language publishers in France

Tectum Publishing

Antwerpen, Belgium

Tectum publishers is rapidly building up a reputation in publications on architecture, decoration, design and related topics.

Publisher profile: Tectum Publishing
List of other French language publishers in Belgium

494 publishers in the the directory of french langauge publishing companies

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