French Language Publishers

Listing 21 to 30 of 494 French langauge publishing companies

Page 3 of 50 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of french publishers. To view a list of french langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including French books, French e-books, French magazines, French newspapers...

Les Humanoïdes Associés

Paris, France

Les Humanoïdes Associés is devoted to publish the best quality ,,Bandes dessinées`` in a wide range of themes, adventure, sci-fi, fantasy and humor.

Publisher profile: Les Humanoïdes Associés
List of other French language publishers in France


Paris, France

Wide range of titles, early learning books, picture books, fiction, activity books, nature books, high quality children's non fiction series, pedagogy and psychology books.

Publisher profile: Nathan
List of other French language publishers in France

Dunod Editeur

Paris, France

Publisher of professional and academic books on sciences and technology, computers, business and management, economics, psychology, psychotherapy, medico-social and fundamental and applied sciences.

Publisher profile: Dunod Editeur
List of other French language publishers in France

Editions Nathan

Paris, France

Albums, encyclopedies, livres pour la jeunesse, collections loisirs & société, nature, livres scolaires premier et second degré technique et supérieur. Matériel éducatif.

Publisher profile: Editions Nathan
List of other French language publishers in France

Project Gutenberg

Salt Lake City, United States

Project Gutenberg offers over 40,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.We carry high quality ebooks: All our ebooks were previously publis

Publisher profile: Project Gutenberg
List of other French language publishers in United States


Paris, France

A catalogue of high quality in comics books for all ages and tastes! An imprint of Dargaud Group, the European leader in comics publishing. For more information, please visit our website:

Publisher profile: Dargaud
List of other French language publishers in France

Arutz Sheva Israel News


Offers news, live radio broadcasts, political commentary, Arab press coverage and a video gallery. Also available in French, Russian and Hebrew.

Publisher profile: Arutz Sheva Israel News
List of other French language publishers in Israel

DEA Mediagroup Spa

Roma, Italy the big online bookshop. 14 millions books in English, Italian, French, Spanish and German; 70 millions of used books; E-Books from all over the world; 500.000 music CDs; 100.000 DVDs Film and 15.000 videogames, special offers.

Publisher profile: DEA Mediagroup Spa
List of other French language publishers in Italy


Paris, France

naïve is the major independent record company in France. Its book department publishes books about music but with a special feeling, literature, art books, children's books and audio books.

Publisher profile: naïve
List of other French language publishers in France

Gallimard Jeunesse

Paris, France

Children's books.

Publisher profile: Gallimard Jeunesse
List of other French language publishers in France

494 publishers in the the directory of french langauge publishing companies

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