Philosophie, psychologie, sociologie, sciences politiques, arts et sciences, enseignement, éducation, beaux-arts, littérature, livres pour la jeunesse.
Publisher profile: Éditions Hurtubise
List of other French language publishers in Canada
La Compagnie Arabe des Editeurs Unis, l’Edition Med Ali, est une maison d’édition indépendante généraliste fondée en 1983
Publisher profile: Edition Mohamed Ali
List of other French language publishers in Tunisia
Books for Change is an alternative and independent publishing and distribution initiative set up to offer the readers informed choices on issues of social relevance from a development perspective.
Publisher profile: BOOKS FOR CHANGE
List of other French language publishers in India
Faksimile-Ausgaben, Kunst-und Wissenschaftsgeschichte, Buch-und Bibliothekswesen, Kataloge, Archäologie, Mittelalter, Orientalistik, Sprachwissenschaft, Sprachlehrbücher, Musikwissenschaft.
Publisher profile: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag
List of other French language publishers in Germany
Weekly French language student newspaper for Laval University.
Publisher profile: Impact Campus
List of other French language publishers in Canada
Founded in 1995, we’ve been publishing more than 120 titles loved by both children and parents in Korea. With our books with the quality text and illustrations, we’ve been known as one of the leading Korean picture book publishers. In spite of its short history, Korean picture book publishing has...
Publisher profile: Gilbut Children Publishing Co., Ltd
List of other French language publishers in South Korea
Art books and catalogues, photography, design, culinary books, landscape / architecture, gardening, floral art, book objects.
Publisher profile: Stichting Kunstboek
List of other French language publishers in Belgium
Travel guide books. Illustrated non-fiction: leisure and tourism, world culture and history.
Publisher profile: Gallimard Loisirs
List of other French language publishers in France
Publisher profile: Macaw Books
List of other French language publishers in United States
Independent publisher of modern fiction and non-fiction, l'Atalante attaches a great importance to the artistic presentation of its books. Main editorial lines: Literature, science fiction, fantasy, thriller, theatre and social sciences.
Publisher profile: L'Atalante
List of other French language publishers in France