French Language Publishers

Listing 241 to 250 of 494 French langauge publishing companies

Page 25 of 50 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of french publishers. To view a list of french langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including French books, French e-books, French magazines, French newspapers...

Stämpfli Verlag AG

Bern, Switzerland

Rechts-und Staatswissenschaft: Monografien, Buchreihen, Loseblattsammlungen, Zeitschriften, Sachbücher: Kunst, Bernensia, Geschichte, Zeitfragen.

Publisher profile: Stämpfli Verlag AG
List of other French language publishers in Switzerland

Le Pré aux Clercs Place des Editeurs

Paris, France

Publisher of fiction (fantasy, anthologies), non-fiction (documents, essays, politics, memoirs, biographies), illustrated and practical books.

Publisher profile: Le Pré aux Clercs Place des Editeurs
List of other French language publishers in France

Ulisse éditions

Paris, France

Ulisse éditions publish how-to books dealing with arts crafts and sport. With 10 years' experience, it specializes in comprehensive full color, generously illustrated volumes that provide answers to all the beginner's questions and teach the skills needed to move on to bigger and better things. O...

Publisher profile: Ulisse éditions
List of other French language publishers in France

World Intellectual Property Organization

Geneva, Switzerland

World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. It is dedicated to developing a balanced and accessible international IP system, which rewards creativity and thereby contributes to economic development.

Publisher profile: World Intellectual Property Organization
List of other French language publishers in Switzerland


Melbourne, Australia

Consulting innovation analysts. Publisher of innovation reports and data, in print and electronic formats. Topics: innovation cities, urban innovation economic development and global socio-economic change. Target markets: cities, local government, start-ups, mid-size business.

Publisher profile: 2thinknow
List of other French language publishers in Australia

Cépaduès Editions

Toulouse, France

Cépaduès-Editions is a publishing company specialising in scientific and technical books with a pedagogical aim; (physics, aviation, space, meteorology, A.I.). Some books such as those applicable to space are partly written in English. Cépaduès has developed partnerships with famous higher educat...

Publisher profile: Cépaduès Editions
List of other French language publishers in France

Maktaba El Khadra

Cheraga, Algeria

One of the Algerian's leading publishers of kid's literature. Founded in 1984, specializes in publishing and distributing various children books in Arabic and French, present in several Arabs and Euro

Publisher profile: Maktaba El Khadra
List of other French language publishers in Algeria

Editions Viviane Hamy

Paris, France

Editions Viviane Hamy has been founded in 1990. We are dedicated to European literature. We have promoted successful authors like Fred Vargas, Dominique Sylvain, Francois Vallego, Goliarda Sapienza, Magda Szabó, Jean-Jacques Pauvert.

Publisher profile: Editions Viviane Hamy
List of other French language publishers in France

Editions Luce Wilquin

Avin, Belgium

Inédits: romans, nouvelles, critique littéraire.

Publisher profile: Editions Luce Wilquin
List of other French language publishers in Belgium

Albin Michel

Paris, France

Littérature générale, beaux-arts, histoire, documents, religion, jeunesse. Collections: Grandes Traductions, I'Evolution de I'Humanité, Suspense, Bandes Dessinées. Parascolaire.

Publisher profile: Albin Michel
List of other French language publishers in France

494 publishers in the the directory of french langauge publishing companies

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