Massacres of Tamil (in 6 languages - Tamil, English, France, German, Hindi and Sinhala)
Publisher profile: Manitham Publishers
List of other French language publishers in India
The Black Mountain Press is dedicated to promoting work of emerging authors of literary poetry, novels and short stories. As cinema, art and story telling has plummeted in literary quality to appeal to the lowest common denominator in recent years, the Black Mountain Press strives to find and pub...
Publisher profile: the Black Mountain Press
Edition Lieux Dits is specialized in art, photography and architecture.
Publisher profile: Lieux Dits
List of other French language publishers in France
Beautiful volumes containing a timeless spiritual message, practical spirituality and meditation, and books on the healing methods of the Dervishes.
Publisher profile: Editions EccE
List of other French language publishers in France
Editions Luc Pire was founded as a Belgian French-language publishing house in 1994. It specialises in popular non-fiction, investigative essays, politics and humour. Distribution CDE/SODIS, SDL Caravelle.
Publisher profile: Editions Luc Pire
List of other French language publishers in Belgium
Resources for teachers and students of French as a foreign Language : textbooks, video tapes, didactics, grammar books, cd-roms, interactive website with self-check exercises. Site in French.
Publisher profile: Les Editions Didier : French as Foreign Language
Literamed Publications Nigeria Ltd, a leading Children's book Publisher in Nigeria was incorporated in 1969. Its imprint, "Lantern Books", is a household name in Nigeria and West Africa.Literamed has in its stable over 400 titles of books all widely accepted in Nigerian schools.
Publisher profile: Literamed Publications Nigeria Limited
List of other French language publishers in Nigeria
Publisher of high quality illustrated books on photography and art, artists books, art and science books, photo journalism.
Publisher profile: Editions Xavier Barral
List of other French language publishers in France
MeterMorphosen - der Non-Book Verlag mit dem Historischen Zollstock präsentiert aussergewöhnliche Geschenkideen: Das Gemischte Doppel in drei Ausgaben, das ist ein Memospiel für Wortakrobaten, sowie das perfekte Wochenende, ein immerwährender Reisekalender. Außerdem: Nimm 3 - Rezeptsammlung von S...
Publisher profile: MeterMorphosen
List of other French language publishers in Germany
Romans Français et étrangers, documents, essais, témoignages. Récits, livres de société, psychologie. Thrillers.
Publisher profile: Editions Anne Carrière
List of other French language publishers in France