Anteism is a Canadian art book publisher producing unique visual artist books, zines, monographs, prints & handmade editions. Anteism books showcase new and emerging Canadian artists and permanently archive these up and coming artists whose work deserves a larger audience.
Publisher profile: Anteism
List of other French language publishers in Canada
Labor & Fides with 850 titles in the catalogue, is the main protestant publisher in French language. It was found in 1924. Together with the religious productio, Labor & Fides is editing today stories and analysis about the contemporary Middle East.
Publisher profile: Labor et Fides
List of other French language publishers in Switzerland
Created in 1989 and located in the French Southern Alps, Adverbum gathers four publishers: Editions Désiris (sciences, health, spirit, sport), Editions Le Sureau (cook books, regionalism), Editions Grégoriennes (religion, poetry), Atelier Perrousseaux Editeur (typography, dtp, graphic arts).
Publisher profile: Adverbum S.A.R.L.
List of other French language publishers in France
Religion, spirituality, essays, christianism, history, education.
Publisher profile: Salvator Yves Briend Editeur S.A.
List of other French language publishers in France
International and specialized academic journal, semiannually, published by the Faculty of Economic and Commercial Sciences and the Science of management, University of Hamma Lakhther Eloued.
Publisher profile: Roa Iktissadia REVIEW
List of other French language publishers in Algeria
At Ubuntu Publishers, we aspire to promote the reading and writing culture in Rwanda at an early stage. We boast in creating future writers and thinkers by providing a favorable environment to enable young authors to publish their books in any language they are comfortable with.
Publisher profile: Ubuntu Publishers
List of other French language publishers in Rwanda
Nonsuch Media Pte. Ltd. is an independent publisher base in Singapore. Our inclusive range of services provides an opportunity to anyone who wants to share their ideas with a global audience. We publish books and ebooks in multiple languages including English, Portuguese, and more.
Publisher profile: Nonsuch Media Pte. Ltd.
List of other French language publishers in Singapore
Fiction for children and young adults (ages 5-18): novels, detective stories, short stories, humorous series, fairy tales, fantasy.
Publisher profile: Rageot
List of other French language publishers in France
Through fiction and non-fiction authors and illustrators from the whole Europe and Africa tell and reveal the world in its beauty and its difficulties: the world is a village and Europe a house with many flats.
Publisher profile: Grandir
List of other French language publishers in France
Children books for the 21st century.We are aiming to develop the imagination of children with books made really for them. We put the emphasis on humor, dreams and imaginary stories and graphic styles
Publisher profile: Balivernes Editions
List of other French language publishers in France