We are an independent niche-market publisher, specialising in humour. Our list includes: Garfield, Peanuts, The Odd Squad, Born to Shop, Juicy Lucy, Odd Streak/Insanity Streak, The Smelly Sprout.
Publisher profile: Ravette Publishing Ltd
List of other English language publishers in United Kingdom
Group of book clubs covering needle-crafts with cross stitch craft, puzzles, photography, woodworking and home building, equestrians gardening, angling, practical art, country sports and living.
Publisher profile: Readers Union Bookclubs David & Charles Publishers
List of other English language publishers in United Kingdom
International rights services for U.S. religious publishers. Representing: Abingdon Press, AMG Publishers, FamilyLife, Group Publishing, Steeple Hill Books, and Upper Room.
Publisher profile: Riggins International Rights Service
List of other English language publishers in United States
Publishers of illustrated books on the art, culture and history of Southeast Asia with a particular emphasis on Thailand. English-Thai dictionaries also a speciality.
Publisher profile: River Books Press
List of other English language publishers in United Kingdom
Publishers of quality social stationery, including gift sets, calendars, diaries & photo albums. Also a large variety of children's books, novelty sets & educational titles. Licences including Winnie the Pooh, Flower Fairies.
Publisher profile: Robert Frederick Ltd./Grandreams Books Ltd.
List of other English language publishers in United Kingdom
Handles fiction, non-fiction and children's books.
Publisher profile: Rogers, Coleridge & White Ltd.
List of other English language publishers in United Kingdom
STM publisher of books and journals for world market since 1988. Considerable interest in scientific human nutrition.
Publisher profile: Smith-Gordon
List of other English language publishers in United Kingdom
Independent progressive publisher featuring work by Noam Chomsky, Bell Hooks, Arundhati Roy, and Howard Zinn.
Publisher profile: South End Press
List of other English language publishers in United States
A new concept: Spinfolds present a range of little books which unfold, with sheels that spin-revealing facts, quizzes, or images-on a wide variety of non-fiction subjects. There are also early-learning and story Spinfolds for young children.
Publisher profile: Spinfolds
List of other English language publishers in United Kingdom
Innovative publishers of mind body spirit, gift, lifestyle and popular culture books. Part of Octopus Publishing Group.
Publisher profile: Spring Books
List of other English language publishers in United Kingdom