Alexandra's choice of books includes popular sciences, art books as well as children's literature. The company runs its own network of shops.
Publisher profile: Alexandra's Publishing
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The largest archive of its kind, our amazing 3-D imagery is created from an actual human body. This forms the unique visual base to our complete range of titles. Our flagship, New Atlas of Human Anatomy' has sold over 600,000 copies worldwide.
Publisher profile: Anatographica, LLC at CPG Distribution
List of other English language publishers in United States
An International co-edition publisher of illustrated, practical, step-by-step non-fiction titles. Subjects include crafts, cooking, gardening, new age and health/fitness. Books for children include reference books, project books and pre-school word and activity books.
Publisher profile: Anness Publishing Limited
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High quality illustrated non-fiction books for children for all ages.
Publisher profile: Appleseed Editions
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Publisher of innovative ilustrated books on art, design contemporary history and popular culture with an emphasis on Asia. Specialist in Vietnamese non-fiction.
Publisher profile: Asia Ink
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Representatives all Europe covered in art, photography, travel, fiction, literature, MBS, nature, graphic design, lan guages, medical, health, food and drink, sport, all kinds of general books.
Publisher profile: Bill Bailey Publishers' Representatives
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Bizzybee is a packager of gift stationery and illustrated books.
Publisher profile: Bizzybee Publishing Ltd.
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Children's book publisher based in the UK. Specialise in animated interactiveCD-ROM and audio books at highly competitive prices.
Publisher profile: BK Books
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Publisher of non-fiction, adult and juvenile, reference, art, architecture, history and other general non-fiction, trade and promotional titles.
Publisher profile: Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers
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Publishers of colour illustrated titles. Rights available. Subject areas include: children's high quality, good value fiction and non-fiction, art, gardening, cookery, sport, and new age. Also, a range of high quality, laminated children's educational wallcharts.
Publisher profile: Bookmart Editions
List of other English language publishers in United Kingdom