Dutch Language Publishers

Listing 11 to 20 of 102 Dutch langauge publishing companies

Page 2 of 11 of all the publishing houses listed in the directory of dutch publishers. To view a list of dutch langauge publishing companies by country please select a country.

These publishing firms publish a range of materials including Dutch books, Dutch e-books, Dutch magazines, Dutch newspapers...

Antonia Tingle

United Kingdom

As part of our growth strategy for 2020, we are looking for writers of historical romance, historical fiction, contemporary romance, quirky romance, romantic suspense and romantic fiction of all types. It goes without saying the storylines must be commercial. See our submissions page for more detail

Publisher profile: Antonia Tingle
List of other Dutch language publishers in United Kingdom

Cuberdon books


At Cuberdon Books, we’re all about creating magic, and adventure for kids who are curious and want to discover the world. A wide scope of books for young kids is available for the international market!

Publisher profile: Cuberdon books
List of other Dutch language publishers in Belgium


QuestFriendz is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) educational publisher, with storytelling and 21st century learning at the heart of every creation. We develop imaginative, interactive and innovative STEM books and toys for children.

Publisher profile: QuestFriendz

18.02 publishing

Duiven, Netherlands

18.02 publishes beautiful ideas like books, (card)games, postcards and all other products that are possible to publish

Publisher profile: 18.02 publishing
List of other Dutch language publishers in Netherlands

Iperborea Srl.

Milano, Italy

Publishing House specialized in Scandinavian and Dutch literature both classic and contemporary.

Publisher profile: Iperborea Srl.
List of other Dutch language publishers in Italy

Uitgeverij De Geus

Breda, Netherlands

Publisher of fiction. Baricco, Barker, Frame, Jelloun, Kemal, Mahfoez, Makine, Proulx, Shields, Toer, Wassmo, Fo, Fredriksson, Cercas, Cismeros, Maalouf, De Beauvoir, Mernissi, Angelou. Walser, Su Tong, Abdolah, Munoz Molina, Axelsson, Shauna Singh Baldwin, Camilleri, Johnston, Van der Jagt, Slov...

Publisher profile: Uitgeverij De Geus
List of other Dutch language publishers in Netherlands

Uitgeverij Unieboek

Houten, Netherlands

Uitgeverij Unieboek

Publisher profile: Uitgeverij Unieboek
List of other Dutch language publishers in Netherlands


Alkmaar, Netherlands

Kluitman is one of the largest children's book publishers in the Netherlands. It publishes mainly series for children and young adults aged 2 to 15. Reading pleasure is the primary aim and all its books are accessible and of a high quality.

Publisher profile: Kluitman
List of other Dutch language publishers in Netherlands

De Bezige Bij

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dutch literature, international literary fiction and non-fiction.

Publisher profile: De Bezige Bij
List of other Dutch language publishers in Netherlands

Thomas Rap

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Publishers of Dutch and foreign literature and non-fiction.

Publisher profile: Thomas Rap
List of other Dutch language publishers in Netherlands

102 publishers in the the directory of dutch langauge publishing companies

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